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Everything posted by csx

  1. He didn't get arrested and isn't gong to jail. Don't make tthings up.
  2. If you are going to smoke do it in your home. You aren't in high school looking for a place to hang out.
  3. There is a saying about leopards and spots. Homers are going to Homer
  4. llike the debate over how you treat a crying child in public......now that is serious poo right there
  5. Honestly I can't believe it's already just around the corner.
  6. If this were true the trophy stores would still be in business. The only trophy seen in ages are for bowling leagues and fantasy football. The pusification begins and ends with people who look for things to complain about online as a hobby.
  7. There is an awkward obsession here with any player that can be compared to Newton.
  8. Boy, don't you understand a white man's "heritage" is the only damn thing on earth worth preserving?
  9. I don't hate him. I think he's full of himself in a non respectable manner.
  10. I don't know if phony is the best word but he sure is something. At best he's a giant douchebag cheeseball. I used to like the guy and if he would just STFU about himself he might have stayed likable.
  11. Me too. I like sports but I could never take them so seriously that something....especially an opinion regarding them could make me upset.
  12. The US flag is a symbol of an existing nation that despite its past and present problems and imperfections has the ability to improve and become better. The Confederate flag is a symbol of a bygone period that will forever represent human ownership and dehumanization. is has no potential for change. It represents that "heritage" forever.
  13. It's embarrassing and eye opening to return from South Africa, a place with very serious and complex race issues, to this and have friends there ask me if it's really this bad here. Unfortunately the answer is yes. They have some real issues with race in terms of its influence on power and politics but we take the cake in regards to ingrained hatred. That flag should have been gone for years and it shouldn't have taken more than good will to all citizens to do so.
  14. I've always thought Cotchery should and will make the team. I think there is very little chance he doesn't. But anything is possible.
  15. They happen to every team every Summer. It means nothing other than something to debate by bored message boards.
  16. I don't think his designated number precludes him from being used in a unique or creative manner.
  17. He mentioned this in an interview last season I believe....maybe even during This is Gross in 2013. He never called him Sunshine. ..I believe that was a Huddle creation....right?
  18. I realize optimism isn't cool here. But regarding our offensive weapons you can now legitimately see how things could unfold very well here. The possibility exists for a change.
  19. Same for me. it will be hard to top how amazing that season was from beginning to end.
  20. Again, use one of those fancy word replacement algorithms.
  21. Do you sShula Proof it by simply putting in new guys he doesn't know how to utilize either?
  22. Including Lucas right? This year there is comp....so let's see how it unfolds.
  23. Hill has shown he can't catch or run routes...does he play special teams? The others have shown less than Bersin. He already beat Lucas out. Does Lucas play special teams either? Brown is an unknown so sure.
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