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Everything posted by cardiackat88.

  1. Crazier things have happened. I would never, in a million years, EVER imagined Hurney back with the Panthers again. But it did.... You see how well that worked out....
  2. When has ANYone from the Matt Rhule era "looked good". With the exception of Chinn, who is actually "good"? MAYbe Horn??
  3. These draft picks just keep looking worse, and worse, AND WORSE
  4. For those of you not fortunate enough to watch Ted Lasso yet. (I have only seen it up to episode 4, season 1, and that was because it was offered on the flight I was on so don't feel bad if you haven't) there is a plotline in it that I feel might could explain a few things here in Carolina. Basically, an English football club owner intentionally hires a doofus acting coach who's only accomplishment is winning a very low division championship in college football (sound familiar?). He is a college football coach with no experience coaching soccer, but it hired to coach a professional soccer club in the UK. He even brings along a coach with him of his choosing, who also has never coached soccer (sounding familiar again?) So, why is he hired? The owner is a (rather foxy) older woman, who was scorned by her billionaire husband. He made a fool out of her with very public cheating scandals, amongst other things. She now owns the team, and she hires Lasso specifically to make the team look bad, and to also lead them to a very poor record. The team meant a lot to her former husband and she is trying to make it a terrible club with all kinds of problems. She does not publicly make this known, but loves the idea of making her husband pay for what he has done. With this is mind (and other points I am sure I am forgetting) could Tepper have some grudge against Jerry Richardson? Maybe someone Tepper loved slipped on some Bojangles chicken grease and had to get a hip replacement (I actually know this happening in Washington, NC). Perhaps someone he knew ate a chicken bone, choked to death on it, went to hell, and was revived (like Heffer, in Rocko's Modern Life). OR.....was Tepper's niece one of dem girls ole Jerry was goosin' up? Let me know your outrageous theories! The whackier the better........
  5. What was the last decent pick the last Panthers ever made in the draft? Jeremy Chinn?
  6. Not looking like a very fruitful draft from last year…..
  7. Dammit, thought he was wearing a Detroit Lions shirt
  8. Maybe he has been watching too much of The Boys and his new idol is Soldier Boy?
  9. I am starting to think the Covid pandemic was less confusing and better handled worldwide than the Panthers FO has been since Tepper came to town. Has anyone seen Ted Lasso? I am starting to think Tepper is intentionally sabotaging the team to spite someone he hates….
  10. I am seriously considering only glancing at NFL games this year, my interest in it all is at an all time low.
  11. One for one swap with Cmac?
  12. Hopefully you all can watch this, but basically it’s Sir Purr in a Santa outfit jumping off a roof, as the memes page reminds us we have Sam Darnold and Matt Rhule. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=7357577440983817&id=275993145808984&fs=60&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=video_home&player_suborigin=entry_point&player_format=permalink&ref=m_notif&notif_t=watch_follower_video
  13. Why did Ron Artest leave the game early? He wanted to beat the crowd….
  14. I’m in the middle of a crowded food court dying of laughter at this
  15. I’m just relieved there will be even less Seahawks jerseys everywhere, every Sunday. Much like the Chiefs, no one shared their “team pride” until “their” team was winning. I’ve seen less and less obnoxious Seahawks jerseys the last 3 years or so.
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