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Everything posted by Cullenator

  1. Hopefully in the coming years someone at the NFL will have the balls to point out the king has no clothes and put an end to the Pro Bowl once and for all. Keep the honor of being selected to the team but for the love of all that is holy stop trying to make it a TV event.
  2. Never played the game so Im not saddled with the burden of the lore. Very much enjoying it. I loved the way that the first two set a specific tone and the third episode comes in and goes in a wildly different direction without upsetting the vibe of the first two. If what we can expect is this kind of world expanding episodes scattered in and around the main thread of the story of Joel and Ellie Im going to be a very satisfied viewer. And if Offerman doesn't get an Emmy nod it will be an absolute crime.
  3. ^^^^THIS!!^^^^ Great time to be had at both Historical Williamsburg and Bush Gardens
  4. The critics reviews are, as always for smaller films, skewed towards the art school fugnuts that think if a film isn't Citizen Cain it isn't worthy of your attention. The audience score is always the more telling score as to whether or not a film is worth your time.
  5. Seven or eight yards downfield from where the ball hit the ground. He was in the pocket The ball didnt make it back to the LOS Perine was across the LOS and therefore "downfield" The only players in the area where the ball hit the turf were ineligible Its textbook grounding
  6. Not all of the choices come at the same price
  7. Dusted off this album over the weekend. Siamese Dream is one of those albums you struggle to find a bad track on.
  8. The idea of a lone rouge ref tipping the balance of a game is genuinely funny. It takes three of them to spot the ball after a play. The whole crew and the officials watching in NY would all have to be in on it at the very least.
  9. You wanna know who rigged that game in favor of the Broncos? Our coaching staff. The guys who didnt think it would be a good idea to do anything different from what they had been doing for the previous 20 weeks.
  10. I can accept that. What I cant accept is there is some Bilderberg/Illuminati level casino cabal pulling the strings to engineer a given outcome. Yesterday was simply incompetence
  11. As long as the game is being officiated by part time employees this is what you get
  12. Never attribute to malice that which can equally be explained by ignorance(or incompetence) Professional full time refs with stable crews would fix the vast majority of bad officiating.
  13. I honestly don't know where they had left to go with the story. The way it ended didn't exactly lend itself to more unless it was going to turn into some kind of riff on Passengers.
  14. God I havent heard that song in for-fuging-ever It would be be beyond awesome if they found a way to use some Queensyrche music on game day
  15. This is the way. If Steve Beuerlein say Frank is the man Im going to believe him
  16. Archived version of the Observer article https://archive.ph/EAnqs
  17. Despite claims to the contrary its pretty clear that someone doesnt have a real clue how modern business gets done and just how easy it is to tank a first round interview.
  18. Do you have any concept of just how much successful business gets done via remote meetings?
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