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Everything posted by CanadianCat

  1. Im excited. Im watching the games regardless who the players are. Now we just got better and have a potential long term franchise QB. The win/loss record probably wont improve dramatically but If Baker balls out we dont need to use that high draft pick on a QB next year.
  2. dude I thought you were going for a run cause this has you stressed. Get some fresh air bud. We just got better.
  3. But that is a plan... and a sound one financially as well.
  4. I like the trade. Unless Baker lights it up I dont think he gets a monster deal. Assuming 2020 stats and we dont draft a QB in round 1 I think he gets tagged as a 'prove it year' or signs a short 3 year deal that gets redone if he turns it on. His 'next' contract Im not worried about at all.
  5. I think the negative here is people hate Rhule so the best case for them is we lose every game, fire Rhule and draft a new QB and start the rebuild over again.
  6. Just cause we drafted a mid round QB does not mean he has any chance to start EVER in his life.
  7. Im assuming your thinking about Corral. It's best if he doesnt play right now anyway. His best chance to make it in the NFL is for the team to win, Rhule to stay as the coach and him to grow in the the back up position. Rhule gets fired, Corral probably gets dumped by the new staff.
  8. This is a zero risk move. If he sucks, next year he's gone and we are drafting a QB. Some of oyu are mad that the team is trying to get better... but there has always been a large 'cheer for losses' group here..
  9. Well... Winning 9 games is better than 5 games. Math!
  10. Good trade value. Our FO keeps finding and creating value. Im excited about the open QB competition.
  11. I only started watching football in 2003 so I can only go on that... here we go. T - Jonathan Ogden, Joe Thomas G - Steve Hutchinson, Jahri Evans C. Ryan Kalil WR, Randy Moss, Calvin Johnson, Terrell Owens TE. Rob Gronkowski, Tony Gonzales RB Adrian Peterson, Ladainan Tomlinson QB Peyton Manning Defense DT - Aaron Donald, Ndamukon Suh DE - Julius Peppers, JJ Watt LB - Luke Kuechly, Ray Rice, Brian Urlacher CB - Patrick Peterson, Darrell Revis, Jalen Ramsey, Champ Bailey S - Ed Reed, Troy Palamalu Special Teams P - dont care K. dont care KR/PR Devin Hester Bears
  12. Calvin Johnson needs to be on the list... probably in place of SS... I would replace Strahan with Peppers.
  13. https://youtu.be/A83HdV59cfA Solid guy. Glad he's in our team.
  14. I would get excited if we traded for Baker and all it cost us is some cap space and a low round pick. IF we did land him, then you do a wide open training camp competition. Baker vs Darnold. That said, my preference would be to go all in on Darnold. Sink or swim and save all draft capital for next year's QB.
  15. Your not wrong, and this is how bad teams are made. IF Tepper is honest, then we ride the season with Darnold/Corral and see where things lie. If they suck we draft a QB. IF they play good then we are in a good position. I think 2 things can be true this season. We could have good/great QB play from Darnold AND still lose most games. We need Fitt to be able to evaluate both.
  16. I voted yes.. But it's more complicated than a simple yes or no. I think Rhule took a bad team that needed to be blown up and had to try to create culture during 2 years of covid all the while not having a QB that could compete. I can also appreciate Rhule's coaching style, where he allows his coaches to coach - but that means he needs to hire GOOD coaches. I really like this years coaching staff. I also think that Tepper needs to establish himself as an NFL owner and 'wants' to do things the Pittsburg way - which is not cycling through coaches. That being said this is the year. Rhule needs to make this team competitive every week and during the ENTIRE game. Record aside, if the team is not fighting every single sunday and keeping it close, Rhule is gone. New coach gets to draft a new QB.
  17. Not sure if you guys have watched this but it is phenomenal. Gives a totally different perspective on Brady. You can see why he is the GOAT. Great series. Highly recommend.
  18. Good for him. He was a good player.
  19. It was mentioned in a press conference. I would love to see DJ get more touches like how Deebo was used last year. Ideally thats how we should have used Curtis.
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