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Everything posted by CanadianCat

  1. Listening to JC Horn's press conference he had a lot of praise for X. Said that he is tough to cover because of how big and strong he is. Said you can 'feel' his strength when he presses on you. Thats pretty big praise from a CB like Horn. I like it!!
  2. Well between that and not having any primetime games the players have a lot to prove.
  3. Dude is 24 years old... If he could bounce back to 1st round draft pick status.... we immediately have a better defense than last year.
  4. We only have 2 kids but picked up the VW Atlas for the 3rd row when hauling their friends around. If I had 3+ kids I would probably go minivan
  5. You are bang on.. people need to understand that Fitt is also doing what is best for him.
  6. Yeah the thing about DJ and his production was that he played in a scheme that either rushed 6 or rushed 3. Almost nothing in between. So he's either 1 on 1 or a free rusher OR he's not rushing at all. That said, he cost very little compared to Burns with basically the same output.
  7. Not a dark horse in the fact that he was a 1st round pick, but I think Ickey will make a major bounce back this year with our ground and pound mentality.
  8. You might not be wrong... Burn's is a great player and its going to hurt a bit cause he's joining a better d-line so he will put up sacks and playing for the Giants mean we will ALL see the highlights. But Burns was also only a speed guy that really didn't have top 3 traits. We have a bunch of guys here now.. I think collectively we might be better due to more and diverse rushers... maybe... I'm hoping your right.
  9. you know... every once in a while Im like 'this guys not a troll, he has some decent points' ... then poo like this comes up and Im reminded what you are.
  10. Beason I dont think was under appreciated. He was #1 / #2 LB in the league for a few short years. He was a heck of a player. So fun to watch. Crazy the MLBs we had on our team Morgan-Beason-Luke.. we got spoiled.
  11. Coleman was a monster back there. Man what a fun team..
  12. As the title suggests, who is a player you feel had a big impact on the team but was under appreciated? My nomination would be Mario Addison. - Was always the 3rd or 4th best player on the d-line (played with Hard, Peppers, Allen, Star, Short, Johnson) - Played with motor, would generate pressure and get clean up sacks. - Ultra reliable - Played both DE and transitioned to OLB when Rivera changed to a 3-4 in 2019 Never a stay but a true testament of a core player you need on the team. Other considerations: - AJ Klein - Dan Connor
  13. With Horn I would gladly over pay... via the TAG. I would take his 5th year option and TAG and TAG again. Dude is a monster but I dont want to pay for a monster with as few starts as he has.
  14. I mean at 29 he could play at a high level for another 4+ years.
  15. Ok thats a fair statement and I wanting to have an honest football conversation. Im just so tired of the people here that are almost giddy to see BY fail and CJ do well just so they can post "I never wanted BY to begin with" Its getting harder and harder to have football conversations here. That said when clear fluff pieces like this come out, its fun to live in that moment.
  16. I tend to think that Moton gets under rated because he has played on some bad teams, yet he is undeniable reliable and a top RT in the league. Where does he fit on the top all time o-line players when comparing him to guys like Ryan Kalil, Gross, Jeff Mitchell, Wahle, Turner, Norwell, Wharton, etc.? I personally think he would be #2 behind Gross. At 29 years old, if he plays a few more years at this level he could be the best we ever had.
  17. This was a fun watch. I love when they produce this kind of content.
  18. Man some of you guys are just killjoy's. Like dude, we are 0-0 right now. Live life. Have some optimism, at least until the season starts.
  19. you timed that screen shot well
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