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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. I think scouting has just become lazy. Echo chamber where people find buzzwords and keep repeating them. Gas lighting. There are a few outliers but they’re quickly labeled as haters. Racists… regardless of the fact that they prefer the other dude of the same ethnicity. ‘Consensus’ at any cost. Bro never even had a true head to head throwing evaluation with the others. And he’s tiny. With a terrible deep ball… with ALABAMA receivers and line. And he goes #1 overall… where as Stroud goes in to Athens and carves up a Georgia defense that clowned everybody that year… How does something so completely illogical even happen where it’s Bryce over CJ? Frank could not wait to leave this clown show. Dan and other former NFL players on staff green lighted this KID pre-draft? Sorry. Not buying it. It’s the pick of the boss who is paying you a crap ton of $$. Yes man it is.
  2. It’s one thing to be losers, but it’s entirely different to be the worst franchise in all of professional sports, who has gotten drastically worse with every desperation move they make and gave away the only true stars the team had up to that point for the absolute worst draft move since Ricky Williams (at least he was actually talented). Where’s the Tylenol? Moreover, a blowhard yankee, elitest drink throwing megalomaniac owner was forced on us who had no intention of carrying over any Panther heritage or tradition. His ‘smarter than you’ moves were so incredibly idiotic, they feel suspiciously intentional, subterfuge if you will, in an effort to sell the team and keep the taxpayer renovated stadium for making megabucks off of concerts. Hmmm… The first taste of pride, winning, competence… Wilks style, was quickly dismantled in to this steaming pile of poo we have now. We’ve had plenty of suck years, but now we’re straight clowned and laughed at. 6 first downs feels and 3 points like a successful half. Last year was unwatchable, except for the 1 game Bryce was out. It’s all just so bad. All of it, until proven otherwise.
  3. He got his #1 pick paycheck. He’s 23 and guaranteed salary is $38 million in a state that doesn’t have too high of income taxes, relatively. he’ll never have to work a ‘normal’ job a day in his life going forward. If he knows what everyone else can plainly see, his motivation to take the mauling he is about to receive… bro. There’s just no way. I have seen nothing to convince me that he lives for this. Fire? A bic lighter has a bigger flame. Where is the physical development? He knows it was it was his biggest issue last year. There’s a lot of people willing to sell out if offered $38 million. In 5 years, no one will even remember his name, save for us fans who will never forget just how dirty we were done. He will leave the NFL a very wealthy kid with almost no physical or cognitive ailments. A feat VERY few can claim.
  4. And it’s not even like we have a young prospect waiting in the wings. When Bryce gets pulled/injured by week 3/4, Dalton is decent enough to win us 6-7 games with the talented we have accumulated on offense. I truly believe we have some real playmakers on O. So at least we will look like an actual football team again. It’ll put fans in the seats, but will have us looking in the mid rounds for the next qb.
  5. Physics doesn’t stop physicsing just because it’s the NFL. my mind is straight blown, still. Say you’re forced to lay a bet for every penny you have and your house if Bryce will survive the season without something really wrong with him afterwards. Your wife and kids are there looking at you…. Yeah. Everyone would bet the same because homerism would go out the door. It’s physics. He has no superpower. We were victim to one of the biggest con jobs ever pulled in the NFL draft… and we have just the owner to fall for it.
  6. Playing off script is different when your receivers are Alabama open vs NFL open. In the NFL, broken play add lib stuff requires a strong arm that can deliver while being run down from behind or side stepping…. Or it goes for 6 the other direction. In an average game, at least 8-10 plays break down and go off script, and that goes for every team. This is where big plays get made for either side. All it takes is 1 noodle arm throw in this scenario to determine a game…. Especially when you’re not exactly blowing teams out. We saw in the Falcons game what happens on a come back down the side. Across the middle is a big no go. Only thing left that’s safe is a dump off or throw away, and even some of the throwaways were suspect. Our improved line will help to decrease the number of busted plays, but they will still come, and they pose the biggest risk to us winning. It’s all about arm strength, it always has been, and his better have come a long way.
  7. This season is all about the run. Stop theirs while imposing ours. Bryce will look serviceable if we can pick up chunk yards on the ground. It’ll enable him to do his short game and rely on the shear ability on the receiver to make a play. I see run to pass being 65:35. We failed miserably at run stopping on crucial drives last year and it lost us several games. Teams that can’t stop the run do not win in the nfl. if we can do both we’ll probably win 5-6 games. If not, 2 maybe 3…
  8. The unmentioned thing with the dad bod QBs seen above is… they can make ALL the throws, in the clutch, on their third read, when it matters, to B level talent. If a qb is able to do that, not much else matters. If they can’t… not much else matters there, either. Jake to Proehl and Mangum. Cam to Byrd. That’s how teams are able to go deep in to the playoffs consistently. Injury cut both careers short, and we’ve been flailing ever since. When your QB can make B talent in to pro-bowlers, teams win. JAGs go off. 6 catches for 140 and 2 TDs. Every play is a potential TD. Draft order goes o line, d line/pass rush/corners then WR. RB in 5th round or later. They don’t fall for the ‘generational talent’ seen every year BS. They just draft solid. Dudes are traded before big contracts for premium assets. You keep THAT DUDE that keeps other coaches awake at night. True blue chip guys that have no equal, and will be the reason at least 2 games are won every season. Garrett, Watt, Donald, Bosa, etc. the ones you know won’t check out after their first big payday because they’re thinking HOF. Your stud QB makes that all possible. You attract top up and coming coaching talent with HC aspirations, not washed up has beens or never were(s). It is the recipe. Trying to do it any other way might be doable for a season or 2, but it is just 1 bad draft or key injury away from imploding in to a complete rebuild. It’s fragile. I want Bryce to exceed my wildest expectations because small ball scares nobody. It will be figured out quickly. Bryce, please prove me and a whole lot of other people wrong. First impressions are everything and you have a serious uphill battle. Tepper wanted to cut in line. He came in feeling like he cracked the code nobody could crack. He completely ignored the leadership and culture side of the business. Players saw how badly he disrespected Wilks. Through Steve’s leadership alone, defying everything Tep wanted to do, For a brief while, he brought some level of respect back to the organization.
  9. I can get on board. Hopefully tepp leaves him alone.
  10. I was thinking this EXACT thought this am. We have a very kind sports media.
  11. Burns. A fitting verb for how so many fans feel after they turned down the Ram’s offer.
  12. Nothing about Bryce fit the template for what the team was trying to do last year. Frank signed on with the promise that it would be Stroud or Richardson. Guys who could actually make the throws that his offense needed to run. Frank thought it would be his chance to start from scratch with all of his guys, but got duped on the key cog needed for the whole thing to run. When your jerk boss says ‘so it’s a consensus’ … then it’s a consensus. a severely undersized qb who wouldn’t even throw the ball at his weigh in and has glaring, significant physical deficiencies… is the #1 overall pick? Roh kay raggy. Was Fitt really that bad? Did he need his zyprexa dose cut back some? Did he really think he was out moving everyone and getting the next Brady? I normally get over stuff really quickly but this is so hard for me to let go. How did this dude start for Alabama? How did he end up the #1 pick?! Bryce bro, please make me eat my words. You button hooked me with the GB game and I drank some of the cool aide. Animal Dan and Frank the tank, Deuce Staley…yup, Bryce is my guy!! … please.
  13. There is no way that anyone who has played NFL ball wanted this kid. I do not care what reports said about who wanted him… and I will never be convinced otherwise. Morgan in his prime played like a damn animal, and would have salivated at seeing Young lined up under center. Young ain’t his dude. He better ball out, quickly.
  14. NY sports media is going to be glorious when BB takes his first checkout day.
  15. Burns playing like a bum all last season tanked his trade value and contract. If he shows out and plays like an animal all season, we get at least a first and he might have gotten the money he wanted. Instead, he showed the league he’s all about the business decision. Sounds like a GM killer to me. Morgan would have taken a Burger King Italian chicken sandwich (bring it back, BK) to get him gone.
  16. If Bryce starts giving games away on the regular and Canales leaves him in… team malaise sets in… 2-3 wins, only because our goal is run the rock and stop the run… and games are still won in the NFL that way. 5-6, but only if Bryce displays traits of an NFL qb.
  17. Once Burns was full engaged by any O lineman, it was usually a wrap after that. He never just straight bullied people and was easily handled. Brown and Luvu were our chance at not letting run go for 7+. I sincerely hope the attitude is there so it changes for the better this year
  18. Can elite level players truly be ruined psychologically, or is that just an excuse people throw around for a top pick dude that never pans out? Next to Cam, CMC took the biggest beating ever seen by a panthers player. He’s doing ok, I guess. DJ Moore, Mr 1000 yards? My point being, Elite players rise to the occasion regardless of the circumstances. I think Bryce needs to give the panthers a fair shot.
  19. You cut bait on quitters. Quitters never win. Morgan was a DAWG. Bro still stares holes in people. He knows what he wants, and it damn sure wasn’t Burns. Bryce needs to watch his back. Aw shucks, good game, we’ll get em next time… No pampering this kid. No kid gloves. No worrying about self esteem. Push him to be better and expect better. The team can’t see a double standard. With every fiber of my being I hope Tepper has realized that a football team needs football players.
  20. I keep doing that. Thank you for correcting and furthering my point.
  21. Since I’ve been paying attention to Panthers football (started inn2092 season), they have NEVER been able to develop talent. They either draft HOF’ers/fringe HOF’ers, or people that are out of the nfl in 3 years. Rarely in between. FAs 99% of the time come to Charlotte to grab a check and retire. Good FAs: Greg, Norwell, Proehl and Luvu. I’m sure there’s more, but the list is short. 2003 was lightning in a freaking bottle. Jake that year was a really good qb, and the absolute perfect pairing with a developing Smitty, but that season doesn’t happen without 89, Peppers and Morgan. Same with 2005. 2015. Men among men… Seasons that we don’t draft a HOFer on both sides of the ball, are either duds or barely .500, we’ll get em next year. Marty at least knew a blue chip player when he saw one. It’s been the only hope we’ve had for a good season for 20 years.
  22. I don’t think Burns was the commodity he thought he was. Every GM in the league saw his unwillingness to play the run and that he quit on his team. He’s not going to like NY income taxes.
  23. Your star DE is supposed to ice away at least 1 game a season. It’s their purpose and what they do. They murder the opposing team’s comeback drive. Bosa. Garrett. 1st and 10 turns in to 2nd and 10. 2nd and 10 turns in to 3rd and 13 off of a failed screen that he blew the f up. 3rd and 13 gets the bull rush, pro bowl LT on his arse, apologizing to his QB and team. wrap. Yes, there aren’t many in the league, but if you want to be paid like one, you better play like one. I actually miss Ginn. All effort. All about the team. Knew his role, and was a guy you had to game plan for. If he was having a good hands day, it was beautiful. Every play, it would be, look for Ted, he’s probably open.
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