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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. This^ They are in no way finished rebuilding this team. They are just getting started actually.
  2. It's basically a band of misfits with weird powers. I'll leave it that so I don't spoil anything. It's a DC series so it has potential. The Spranos were great. GOT was epic though. I started watching GOT after there was 4 seasons on there. I would only watch if the entire season was available.
  3. I saw a report on nfl network that we didn't initially want to give up Arnold either. I guess that is why we only gave up a 3rd in exchange for a 5th to make the player swap.
  4. I started over the weekend. It's different, good, but different. I will be binge watching it until get caught up.
  5. Welcome aboard Mr. Henderson. Welcome to the Doom Patrol.
  6. This^ The name of the movie escaped me for a moment. Thanks for remembering.
  7. Lawrence, that's what Clemson fans around here called him.
  8. I would say welcome but since you've been lurking for eons you already know the place. Great to have another old-timer chime in for a change. Nice post sir.
  9. At this rate we may end up with Sunshine in a couple of years. Might want to keep an eye on these young players being thrown to the wolves around the league. Rhule and Fitterererrr's not afraid to try out reclamation projects.
  10. I don't even want to think about it. Please do not bring those memories back up. Thanks in advance, Everyone
  11. Phil looks like the grounds keeper. Love it!
  12. Hiding shenanigans around BOA
  13. I was about to say something like this. Mr. F will have those picks back before the second round is over.
  14. Tremble may be but Thomas is the Teddy Bridgewater of TE's. He is what he is and what he is isn't much. I'm pulling for Tremble to be much more than Thomas has shown.
  15. No, just piggy backing on your comments. Sorry if it came out that way. I tend to not see who posted what and just sling comments willy-nilly.
  16. The cowturds are not America's team. They called themselves that and the broadcasters ran with that back in the 80's. Also, I don't hate America. Just the fools that do.
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