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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. I'm going against my better judgment and say the cats pull this one out in a nail biter.
  2. Speaking of long season, I want to believe that the plan was to burn through these FA vets like cord wood before the rookies were expected to start. Build through the draft and develop your own Yada Yada. At first glance these FA vets appear to be soaked in gasoline. Big boy better get his big ass in shape and ready to go soon.
  3. I love the enthusiasm but this team missed it's most likely only chance to blow the doors off anyone this season. I think you may have too high of expectations with this young team for this season. They are still growing and not quite deep enough to do more than ruin some seasons for other teams by knocking them out of the playoffs. But they're getting there little by little.
  4. He can? I must've missed that. Excellent news!
  5. How can he take it away when it's the fans that chant it. Do they hand you a card when you enter the stadium that says you will be kicked out if you chant "Keep Pounding"?Do you have to have a digital screen tell you when to cheer?
  6. Marty was behind the scenes trying to cover up JR's dirty laundry and weasel his way back in.
  7. That's ok it's just a 8.5×11 sketch that all teams have. You are here. Kick the ball through there.
  8. That's easy to say in game one. It's a long season and you want to win the war of attrition by the end as well. In principle I agree with you. I just think that you have to take any opportunity you get during a game to rest as many players as you can. Having said that, I would much prefer the comfortable lead be a bit wider at the half before going into prevent mode.
  9. It probably does, but these geeks care more about stats than what the final score is. I just watch the game without trying to figure out why so and so's "numbers" are not what I predicted. Because all I care about is whether we win or not. Sorry, had to rant for a minute. Carry on.
  10. If I'm not mistaken didn't he interview with some team the year prior to signing with us? Or am I thinking of someone else?
  11. They better come with a Brinks truck full on money if they think he's leaving here anytime soon.
  12. The first half was a complete ass kicking, minus the points. The second half was just about holding the lead on a hot field. The heat advantage turned out to have no effect. The lack of capitalizing on golden opportunities to put another 7 points on the board in the first half and not being able put them away in the second half is concerning.
  13. The offensive line isn't allowing them enough time to utilize them.
  14. You can bench him but you can't cut him prior to 3 weeks on the roster. Same difference I know but just wanted to clarify for those new to football.
  15. That gamble certainly paid off for the Rams. I'm sure that if we have the opportunity to sign a generational LT they surely will try.
  16. He's an anomaly like Tom Brady. They are the exception, not the rule.
  17. I doubt there's anything he has not seen attempted in football. I define a good coach as one who can line his 11 scrubs up against your 11 5 star recruits and give you all you can handle. If a coach has to have a top 10 roster to compete then he's not a very good coach. Yes it certainly helps, especially in the big leagues, but you have to have the ability to play the hand you're dealt and still compete. That old fart is a good coach and is the very reason we've been competitive despite being out classed in talent. Rhule knows what's up.
  18. Have your fun now while you can. We are expected to lose, y'all on the other hand will look quite foolish if you lose. Sleep on that.
  19. Never discount a man that has seen as many winters as he has.
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