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Everything posted by BIGH2001

  1. I wonder when people will start to realize that this guy is in way over his head. He’s a college coach.
  2. Yeah anyone who thinks there’s such a thing as a 5 year rebuild in the NFL is full of poo. Unfortunately it also came came from our owner which shows me he has no clue what he’s doing either. He gave a record breaking deal to a college coach.
  3. Gonna be another long year. As long as Tepper owns this team I’m not going to be optimistic that they will be any good. He has basically shown zero evidence of being a competent owner. That includes the coaching hires.
  4. Tepper has been a horrible owner. Hasn’t even sniffed a winning season and generally seems like a self-absorbed jackass.
  5. ahh yes TJ Ward. One of the clowns who was allowed to tee of on Cam’s head with no repercussions.
  6. If Darnold sucks are we still going to be kissing Rhule and Tepper’s ass? Because there’s a lot of that going on around here from two guys who haven’t accomplished much in the league. Especially Tepper who’s yet to post a winning season as an owner.
  7. All this rationalizing bad QB play now. Let’s just hope that we aren’t losing 21-3 when the season starts. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much from Rhule or Tepper to make me confident that they have any idea what they’re doing.
  8. Here comes the greedy NFL owner power play. Next step: an outright threat to move with at least 3 cities mentioned as possible destinations.
  9. Nah, I started watching when Paul Maurice was the coach. Remember the triple overtime game in the Finals against Detroit and the disappointment after we lost that one. Anyway, no need to prove anything to you. Maybe next year they'll come back with a better roster and some guys who can score against decent goalies.
  10. The playoff game was in 09. My bad. The 08 Panthers. Actually, come to think of it I was a fan before 01. I watched the Canes when they played at the Greensboro Coliseum. The truth hurts sometimes. This team played like losers this series and I'm calling it for what it is.
  11. Sorry to hurt your feelings with the truth. This team was disappointing trash this series. I've been a Canes fan since 01.
  12. A shut out would be a fitting ending to this shitshow. Lots of work to do in the offseason if we want to be a real team. Need someone that knows how to score a goal for fug's sake.
  13. You guys shitting on me are stupid AF. This team blows. I hate teams that get to the playoffs with high expectations and then get blown out. Like the 09 Panthers. No excuse for this kind of pathetic showing.
  14. This team is so inept. They can't even get control of the fuging puck. They are playing like losers and deserve to go home.
  15. No chance to win the cup with this roster. They need to slash about 25% of the dead weight on the roster and upgrade with competent players to have a chance. They are good enough to make the playoffs and win a series, maybe two. But when they run into a real team they fold up fast.
  16. This team is poo. Total horseshit performance. Can't even score a fuging goal.
  17. I knew we would lose this series when we struggled against Nashville. There’s virtually no chance they beat the lighting and it could be a sweep now that they lost game 1.
  18. Time for Borrego to go. The team totally gave up and it’s on his watch.
  19. Tillman was 100 years old that season. Way past his prime.
  20. Our last super bowl team featured Cortland Finnegan and Robert McClain at DB, along with Norman. In 2003, our CBs were Terry Cousin and Reggie Howard. The common denominator in those years was that we had a dominant front 7. You can hide a crappy secondary all day if you can pressure the QB. Building a team from the outside in is a recipe for failure. Literally, you can patch together a competent secondary by picking up guys from trash heap after the last round of training camp cuts.
  21. He could be a top notch CB (though I doubt it). Even if he is, it ain't gonna make a damn bit of difference when the opposing offense gets to start on the 50 yard line every possession because we can't move the ball. It doesn't help the team get better at a more important position of need. Total waste to draft a CB this high when there are more foundational needs on this team.
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