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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. People (me) shake their fists at your posts all the time.
  2. Nothing left to say. I can add that I say "us" when fraternizing with my brethren at Walmart as we wait for the bakery markdowns to hit the shelf. People take pictures of us we are so cool.
  3. As I read this, my brain became active with synaptic energy, propelling me to grab the keyboard and begin this post. 1. Versatile is great when shopping for backups, but I hate to agree with Zod, but you want a pure LT if you can find one. They are like QBs-many teams do not have them, many teams do not win Super Bowls. I hope Moton makes the switch, and I agree with the idea of moving him there and giving him the reps now--if that is what you are going to do. It sure makes so many other problems on the OL go away. Move Christensen to RT. What a perfect candidate for that spot--athletic, strong...just do it (C) panthers. 2. Many people believe what athletes say during interviews. I was on a FCS college team back before all this social media--they coach you and train you to deal with the media--so don't hold me to what I am saying. I was in competition with a guy I could not stand and he was better than me--and I was once asked about him. My answer? "He is great. I am learning a lot from him (he was a SR). He is a tremendous teammate..." He was a peckerhead. Coaches, Athletes learn to lie to a degree. Think "PR department material". If Moton says he wants to play LT, do not believe him. Does that matter? Not really. 3. Versatility on the Inside OL is more important, not only because you need someone who can flip to the other G spot or play C, but because they must know what the other spots do. For example, Elflein played C and G. He knows the calls, the schemes, when the C needs help, etc.
  4. I thought Smith was awkward (as expected) at times. He said things that were cliche, and he failed to make a point. I think he started sentences without knowing where they were going. He will improve, and I love the candor, but this could be due to the fact that I expected to see some reps, and saw interviews and standing around-so I was a bit irritated.
  5. I have confidence that Darnold and the OL will be fine. However, that is the key. About the OL--when have we ever had 5-6 options to play LT? Not one is established there, but I feel that one will rise. (Moton, Christensen, Irving, Daley, Scott, Little)
  6. Not at all--you are one of the quality huddlers. Not crack at all, and this is a good point. Maybe crystal meth--but the pure stuff--not the bad quality stuff.
  7. I could see this: Moore Anderson Marshall Shi Smith Moore (No guarantees for this guy) Bayless (they may move him to PS since he is eligible and keep Special teamer and slot Zylstra, but if not--if Bayless plays STs....sure) Zylstra (if Bayless to PS)
  8. We'd have an Ohio State and a USC QB-what could possibly go wrong?
  9. All I am going to watch during preseason is OL on offense and DBs on defense.
  10. I am really starting to hope so... I do not know why--prolly his workout numbers--but I want Christensen in the lineup.
  11. Great thing about this thread? Some quality Huddlers chimed in before the crack heads woke up. Nice posts.
  12. I had him on my list, but since Fua said it first, it paralyzed me.
  13. And Moton is a democrat who actually believes Covid19 is real, so he belongs on the left. Christensen (a Mormon evangelical) sleeps on a "my pillow" so he is definitely on the right. Jokes--I have no idea how they think about politics-dont care
  14. I can say this: For the first time since he arrived here 5 years ago, I think Moton has a legit shot at LT. I think they want to find a place for Christensen (athleticism through the roof) and would love a premiere athlete at RT. Irving then becomes the swing tackle, Daley competes at G. Scott is the fourth OT, and we cut Little. I think Elf and Moore are the Centers of tomorrow.
  15. At least we have options: LT: Irving, Scott, Little, Daley, Christensen, Moton LG: Elflein, Daley, Christensen Center: Paradis, Elflein, Moore RG: Miller, Brown, Moore RT: Moton, Christensen, Little, Scott I see the strategy-it is the bus theory---put the right people on the bus sitting in the right seats.
  16. So I think we are hoping that our running game could help us win a few games if the starter went down. Our OL seem to be good run blockers, if you think of the additions--we added players that make the wide zone scheme better-and a RB. So if Darnold goes down, we slow down and go ball control---I guess?
  17. There are few teams with that kind of backup, so I tend to agree...If a QB is capable of winning games, he is starting somewhere....I have a new appreciation for Anderson now...I always thought a team should keep some aging, former-starter veteran as the backup (mentor) and a young gun on the PS.
  18. I'd trade for Rico--future conditional seventh, because if the coach had put him in...
  19. I like what he says about speeches. Lead by example (first on, last off). Sam is not a speech maker (or orator, if you will) but he is the leader (or can be) as described.
  20. Any speculations about Fitterer and who might be cut that could upgrade the backup QB spot? Hunches? Curious, weird feelings? Predictions? (Get the idea?) Or Do you think we stay put and ride the wave on the hopes that our OL keeps Darnold upright?
  21. I still think 10 wins is going to happen.
  22. Yeah--neck out on Horn, but the rest are solid. I would love to see Christensen grab a starting spot and play well--if that happens, he (oddly enough) could be core by the end of 2022 or so.
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