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  1. Yea when the other QB is just lighting it up for a different perpetually shart team it makes it feel real gud huh lol. Like ffs we went with "character" instead of talent. Character can't win games and these days with 100s of millions of dollars at stake these kids aren't doing dumb arsed poo like back in the day if it was ever even a big deal which it wasn't. People aren't going to want to hear this but character concerns just means the black QB isn't acting white and the good character black qbs are acting white as they like. That's real No one in the locker room gives af about if Cam or whoever else stole a fukin laptop or anything else for that matter lol. Stuff like that like huh we trying to win games and make that money and you over here talking about petty theft.
  2. Rivera could always coach defense even with a sub par defensive roster. Man made it to a Super Bowl with off the street CBs and most of that is Cam but still our defense didn't even fall apart in the SB it was the offense and once again that is with off the street DBs.
  3. Everyone leaves here and goes off and does well because we have garbage coaching and an even worse Owner. I literally forgot what our owners name was he's that irrelevant.
  4. We're the Browns now. When you whiff the obvious pick that everyone but whatever the name of our owner is these days wanted to pick then your franchise is set back years. They can fug off, they haven't earned anyone's money or attention in years now and it'll be years still before this is resolved.
  5. GL and keep pounding Mr. Scot
  6. And another one, we all know the real issue but funny anyway
  7. Yea I've been off it too obviously....sucks but too much poo to to with too many other people
  8. No where near the ceiling of Cam but can be good obviously. He ain't carrying a franchise though, not many can. In hindsight Cam is even better than his nut huggers were saying....this is the franchise he took to the SB lol Imagine Cam on an even average ran organization....sucks for him tbh.
  9. Yarp turns out everyone at every level sucks here oh well. Luke being the smart man he is peaced out LOL. shoulda been a sign
  10. Yea this ain't it chief. This used to be the place where people got neg repped outta the box so....good to see some small return to form at least.
  11. I mean if we had CMC and actual speed it might actually amount to something but since we have like negative WR speed its lol. They can't get open running fast as they can straight much less catching it while stopped then going.
  12. We're going to be that team that ruins a QB and or just straight picks the wrong one ofc. I mean we whiffed on everything but Cam when we had Cam just got lucky TBH.
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