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Everything posted by KintnerBoy

  1. I still remember 2009. My section was over-run with Eagles fans and we lost bad. It was horrible.
  2. I The Golden Calf of Bristol teabagged my cousin once time while he was sleeping. Have the pic to prove it. At least that's one thing The Golden Calf of Bristol has given the world.
  3. I'm not sure what he said. I heard grinding baby can't wait for the season.....?
  4. Doesn't set much of a warning to the rest of the league. A million $ fine and loss of a second rounder would've spoke louder.
  5. How quickly I forget. I just remember those few times Hurney traded some away and we didn't have very many.
  6. Can't remember the last time we had this many.
  7. Just complaining. No way in hell would I go there and see you in bathing suit......unless you shave.
  8. It's Jacksonville so the chicks will be fat and hairy too. Not that I'm complaining.
  9. Which part? Your ass is not fat or is it not hairy? Surely you considered the possibility of hot chicks in bikinis!
  10. Since the Colts are cheaters too it got swept under the rug. They couldn't nail the worlds golden boy on the cross again.
  11. Didn't you almost get stabbed at Shelby's by a Hawks fan? Might as well add a Jags fan to that list.
  12. This whole trip is misleading. We have in our mind a pool full of beautiful women in bikinis but in reality it'll be all our fat hairy asses.
  13. I don't understand this signing but I love some of his movies.
  14. One of my all time favorite Panthers going to my all time most hated team. But I still hopes he does well.
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