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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. I agree those seats won't be good and it looks to me like they want to give things a bit of an NBA courtside type feel. If they really wanted to do that, they should have put them on the 50 yard line instead. But if you have the money and only care about being seen, I suppose the seats will serve their purpose.
  2. I don't know if it is to make room for anyone else or not. They have to make a lot of cuts just to get to the normal roster size.
  3. I'd rather trade him while the team can and get something back instead of just letting him walk next year. The only thing about trading Terry now is that letting both Graham and Monk go leaves the Hornets very thin at guard. Though I guess Gordon can play the 2 with Miles at the 3.
  4. Wouldn't be a bad signing. But it also leads me to wonder if they are trying to trade somebody else. There is already a logjam at the 4 and 5. This would just make it worse.
  5. Meh. Can't stand either team, so this is a no for me. The college volleyball on ESPNU will be much more exciting.
  6. On the one hand, at least Darnold is trusting his line to hold the ball too long. On the other, Erving may just be another turnstile.
  7. I think Jordan respects and likes Mitch enough to let him do things his way. That is night and day different than when Cho was the GM.
  8. That will probably be a couple more years at least. Until then, bargain shopping and building through the draft is the right choice.
  9. I don't think he was ever happy here. Cliff and JB both had made it clear they weren't happy with him.
  10. There is another tweet where Hollinger says Lonzo Ball to the Bulls is still in play too.
  11. If JB had been more willing to play him, they probably could have gotten something for him. JB never liked Monk though. Neither did Clifford.
  12. Yep. It never really clicked for him here, but perhaps it will somewhere else. I'm surprised the Hornets never traded Monk. Then again, maybe they tried but never found any takers.
  13. His analytics were supposed to help, but if he lets others make the pick or gets overridden then it doesn't matter what the computer says.
  14. I don't know if Cho was solely responsible. Rumors from then were always that MJ and others had a lot of say as well as Cho being more of a yes man than anything else.
  15. Call it apple to oranges if you like. I saw enough people making the comparison or saying this is what Monk was supposed to have been last night that the feeling stuck.
  16. Monk was supposed to have been that too. And like Monk, he fell in the draft. That gives me a bit of a pause instead of being super happy with the pick.
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