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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. Would still be a Panthers Fan but will never be a Payton fan no matter the success he achieved.
  2. If I remember correctly Brees had a bunch of middling seasons until they got a defense. Peyton Manning won his Super bowls when the defense stepped up as well as the offense. The year he had so many TDs they didn't win it because the defense was poor. You can get to the playoffs with great defense or offense but to win the Superbowl you need all three phases to be playing at a high level. Folks here like the balls to the wall style play instead of more conservative play which can come from offensive or defensive guys. It just so happens most of our defensive coaches like Wilkes are conservative so offensive guys look appealing. But let's be real the OC who interviews needs to have a strong choice for DC and if he is smart a guy with head coaching experience.
  3. Doesn't hurt to listen plus having lots of interviews and pitting one against the other helps raise the price. Doesn't mean he actually wants all those jobs.
  4. Payton doesn't want to come here. I don't want him here. Win-win.
  5. Even if a candidate thinks he is only there due to the Rooney rule he should interview. It gives him the experience of interviewing for a head coach job which will benefit him down the road which is the points of the R[ney rule to begin with. Dont focus on how you got there but what you learn to help move you forward.
  6. I went back over the last 10 drafts and the fourth best qb was available at 9. Now some years that fourth qb was picked at 10. I suspect that Richardson for one should be there.
  7. The fact he hit a game winner against the Saints to win kind of shoots holes in your whole premise.
  8. Gimme Wilkes and bring in Reich as OC if he doesn't get a head coach job. Good defense and offense then.
  9. The question is since this is the season for gaslighting about our intentions to keep other teams from knowing what we are doing, why believe anything the talking heads report. Misinformation is the rule not exception. Let's not go nuts until we see what happens.
  10. For the price Pineiro was a fabulous value and was money with the exception of the Atlanta game. One option is to cut or trade Gonzales and his 2.5 million cap hit leaving 625000 in dead cap for a savings of 1.5 million in cap space. ,We can sign Pineiro on a 2 year 2 million dollar deal and save money in the process.
  11. If we stay where we are we can land a guy like Richardson who is a big time talent. And if these offensive geniuses we are looking at are as good as advertised they should be able to maximize the potential of whoever we pick. We don't have to mortgage the farm for a top 2 pick. There will be good qbs at 9 just like most years.
  12. Given that Burns and Moore were both 1st rounders and you are giving up another first and 2seconds to move up 8 spots you are giving away the farm for a maybe. In fact we have been offered 2 1sts for Burns who is a pro-bowler making him an even trade to move up let alone Moore who had 3 1000 yard seasons. I think there will be great qbs at 9 just like there have been in recent drafts.
  13. It points out the limitations of a point system when evaluating players.
  14. But will they pick a DC with more experience than them and possibly head coach experience (which Rivera thought he should have done) who could take their job like Wilkes did Rhule or pick an up and coming guy with not much experience like you.
  15. If you purely want a defensive guy then go Ryans. I like his aggressive style more than Wilkes zone concept. Yet the Bills run a similar scheme and what takes them over the top is Josh Allen. I think your defense improves when your opponent is playing catch up.
  16. Right and if you start out at 500 after inheriting a depleted team imagine how much better you can do with an offensive guy like Reich as OC and a quality quarterback. I can only imagine that things will trend up.
  17. Then call him a first year coach with this franchise. I don't know anyone still saying he got a fair shot at Arizona or using it as justification for not hiring him this year.
  18. If I do then that is the exception, right. The problem is that history doesn't always predict success especially when you go from the macro to the individual case. The best indicator of his success is to project the amount of improvement he made and assume he will continue to do so. Aren't we assuming that if we bring in a new head coach with no experience that he will improve over time even though we have plenty of examples where that wasn't always the case like Rhule. So using that logic we wouldn't bring in anybody
  19. That Arizona is a terrible franchise and where coaches go to wither away.......
  20. Building the keep pounding physical kick you in the teeth kind of team we used to be.
  21. It isn't football experience as much as transitioning from a player to a coach. It is a big transition that some players do seamlessly while others need time to develop.
  22. All in time. Let him get his feet wet on that side of the ball.
  23. I like the Wilkes head coach / Reich offensive coordinator combo. Bring in Luke as a linebacker coach and let's do it....
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