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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Chark got significant separation from the db on that throw to the point where bryce would have been absolutely blind not to throw it. You cant be serious
  2. Im sure its not a issue when the receiver is wide open. Clearly there is a difference in the throws he attempts with open receivers and receivers with defenders in the area. But of course yall gonna see what yall want to see.
  3. Welp, bout to go knock errands for the next couple hours, i am interested in that niners cowboys game tonight. Will be watching
  4. Chark was already out of bounds and he still threw it??
  5. WHAT A THROW BY STROUD. texans take late lead over birds.
  6. So are we gonna Label this as garbage time like people did with stroud or are we gonna take away positives???
  7. Probably the strongest throw bryce has made.
  8. Sorry, i cant put plays like that on a o line. Thats plenty of time for a nfl pocket, its up to the qb to improvise or throw it away.
  9. Bryce is a one read QB who was labeled as super processor. this why i say EVEN THE PROFESSIONALS DONT KNOW WHAT THE fug THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT SOMETIMES.
  10. Lmaooooo...but yeah its franks fault. HE IS HOLDING HIM BACK.
  11. How the hell is not a real problem? It shouldn't be one at all because its generally unheard of. Lol
  12. Like i Said, if Bryce can hit his first read who gets open he looks competent. Lol
  13. He did it in college. Lol...its why i said he so called bad receivers didn't get enough credit for adjusting to his bad throws, its on the tape.
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