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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. read the rest of the thread I agree with you. Id be ok with howell at the right spot trade back and pick up an extra second.. take BPA Left Tackle and take howell and too be honest, some points in here make sense and UNC fans have a different perspective than the average draft analyst. so tbh my opinion of howell is better after this thread my main point was that UNC fans saying hes the best QB hands down i thought that was very homeristic behavior
  2. i can certainly respect howells maturity when things didnt go well and his stock dropped. he looks like baker mayfield but thats anti baker mayfield behavior like i said, I like howell and would like to take a chance on him at the right spot. but not at 6. Across the board everyone is saying this is a weak QB class and nowhere have i seen him ranked in the top two sure, take a chance in him at the right spot as a value reclamation pick. id be all for that.
  3. ok. i can respect that reasoning and there are valid points to that
  4. excuse my typos i promise i can spell im cooking dinner
  5. ok. lets paise for a sec. I can admit that calling you a straight up homer was just to be pointy. I didnt know if you werw ovwrly high on UNC players or not.. so i admit, that was a conclusion i jumped to.. but what i was trying to get at was i think you are way to high on howell because he went to UNC. i think you are being a homer in this instance. I think you think howell is the beat in the draft because of emotion, bot because of any circumstantial evidence.
  6. @LinvilleGorge if kenny pickett at 6 would be a horrible pick that would set this franchise back, what has sam howell done to make anyone think that hes a better QB. He certainly didnt win as much as pickett. didnt elevate his team like pickett im not saying we should take pickett, but no where have i seen any kind of actually argument for Howell over pickett, other than UnC homers on this board.
  7. i like howell as a prospect if we take him in the right place as an upside pick bit taking him at 6 because hes the beat QB in the draft is silly and im not a troll for calling that out. im giving my opinion
  8. you didnt address or refute anything i said all you did to shoot me down was say i don't know your history predicting UNC prospects..
  9. I think hes talented and if we can get him in the 2nd somehow id be happy but taking him at 6 is complete lunacy
  10. either Howell was a flop or UNC completely wiffed on having one of the best QB prospects in the country commit to them.
  11. i dont need to know your history i see a UNC fan saying howell is the best when everyone has him at 4 or 5. and i mean everyone im sorry but add those things together and that = a Homer!
  12. nah im just calling out homerism pickett won the ACC with much less talented players. Ill give it to UNC.. they attract a lot of good recruits. he underwhelmed. If hes such a great QB he should have elevated his team. not saying we should get pickett either but howell is a small, long releasing QB thats going to get ate up in the NFL. he also doesnt have that elevating it factor im sorry but only UNC fans think hes the best in the draft. Everyone else has him at 4 or 5
  13. Sam Howel looks like he has greasy, stinky BO
  14. lol hes a hairier, pastier Baker mayfield
  15. cause UNC football is that dysfunctional cousin who has all the potential in the world but makes really bad choices and shits it all away.
  16. yup. its gotten way outa hand the ads are also strategically placed to where you think the thread has completely loaded, then you go to click on something and an ad pops up in the spot last second and shifts whatever you are clicking on to a different spot... and I CLICK THE fuging AD @Zod i know that poo is done on purpose. prob get more money for an ad getting clicked on i know you own this site and we can all kcik rocks or go someplace else, but ive been here a long time ive never seen so many ads.. full page ads.. ads that make me click on them by loading slow and shifting the page.. its shitty dude ive paid you well over the orice of a brand new madden game iver the course of my time here for all pro.. i canceled the membership due to lack of content the all pro sub was not enough.. praying on loser neck beards that have no friends or purpose in life to get them to feel cool and special.. allowing anyone to view topics and having bait titles of news "inside info" or "what ive heard". i remember poo like that about kelvin benjamin. i wanted to know whatever it was so bad i bought all pro for a month and it was just an opinion or rumor.. look i can kick rocks.. but i feel i have legit criticisms. comes with the territory. owell dont ban me for expressing my opinion
  17. why the fug are we bumping old ass threads is someone trying to show off how smart they "were"
  18. Fitterer needs to be the guy if he isnt already I love that dude
  19. I'm down if we get him. in a trade back scenario. Hes my QB4 as far as wish list can I evaluate talent? no and neither can you couch GM that is reading this I think theres a lot of QBs who would develop into a good player if they are aupported appropriatly.. you know.. good coaching/coordinators, good OL, weapons etc
  20. yeah keep him in the slot full time with a couple hand offs or end around like a curtis Samuel and he would be well worth the money! we don't need to be sending him up the gut 15 times a game. use the cheaper dime a dozen battering ram for that poo
  21. a trade back AND getting Corral would make me cream my pants I want Corral
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