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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. depends on the asset giving up an average run of the mil player for 18 mil that could get us several good players.. what am i missing here? seems like a no brainer
  2. huh? why wouldnt we use that 18 mil? depends on what we give up, but getting 18 mil in cap space would go a long way.
  3. nooooo to marshall. that dude is going to be great. Chuba, yeah ship 'em out.
  4. how? 18 mil in cap space could upgrade several positions otherwise that 18 mil is holding a clipboard. obviously depends on the pieces in the trade, but i fail to see how this is compounding things. if anything its expediting righting a wrong.
  5. she got that job because of her shiny lips, nice tits, and slim waste
  6. honestly its worth it. good move
  7. For now on I will be sure to respect my elder!
  8. first off the camera team were retarded there were a lot of passes that weren't caught but who knows who's fault that was What matters is that he moved well and looks healthy. his tape speaks for itself.
  9. they are grown men not kids. its that you mayock?
  10. who the fug is working the cameras he looks the part to me. his mobility and quick release is awesome.
  11. one thing everyone agrees on... Howell sucks
  12. while i agree the hype is stupid, there was an entire college football season that took place in between so its not like it happened overnight for no reason howell sucks
  13. i thought it was supposed to be on NFL Network
  14. to be honest, I kinda want Matt Corral the most out if all the rookies Simms loves him
  15. idk but i do know that idc if he makes it work then ok, otherwise I want whats beat for the Panthers, not matt rhule.
  16. if any of you actually HATE a guy for not winning football games you have psychological problems
  17. if he doesn't run then hes a mediocre QB idc how hard he can throw
  18. some of yall want to marry willis over "woooo" nice tits and ass so to speak.
  19. You don't chose a wife or long term partner over only nice tits and ass theres a whole lot more that goes into being a good wife
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