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Everything posted by ThPantherFan

  1. I have no issue with that. We've got to make a choice on whom we keep. The only fair way is to work all 3 quarter backs. In my opinion we've seen PJ enough to make a comparison between him and the others. I would just let Baker and Sam battle the rest of the season out.
  2. I'm curious too but hopefully we're not going to have a string of posts on what rule is doing.
  3. I really don't care as long as he doesn't come back to the Panthers.
  4. You are correct saying we have a good run blocking line. That's what makes any very good backs a threat to score anytime they get the ball. In my opinion he's worth a good contract. Not over the top contract like a lot of teams give. He's a very good back and deserves a reasonable payday.
  5. I don't think rule had his best interest in mind. Corral will come back strong.
  6. I agree. I don't think Corral is one to sit and do nothing. He's probably been digging in the play book and as soon as he can get to throwing, he'll be doing that. I have hope for the young man.
  7. We've got a rookie qb from this year. Like to see him develop more so IMO we need a vet.
  8. I truly am. We have some good young players. FA might give us high level veterans. However, we don't have an excess of cap so it will be interesting. Hopefully we can be compettitive enough for the next 2 seasons to make a big difference in season 3. If rule was still here we wouldn't be jack dam..it.
  9. True fans stick out the bad with the good. Thanks for being a true fan.
  10. That's a lot bigger thing than most understand. There's a heart beating in this Panther.
  11. Good write up. The Panthers are going to win this game. There's a turn around happening since rule has exited the building.
  12. It's been slow for some time. I read a good piece on yahoo sports about the Panthers the other day. Was basically about the culture change under Wilkes. There might have been a little bit of that in the Burns interview. A lot of people are liking what Wilkes is doing. Just hope he keeps it up. Glad I finally and fully retired. Now I only have boring days at home instead of work. Ha! Not with the grandkids I have. They keep grand pa hopping. I hope your week end is much not boring and brings you and your loved ones a lot of happiness. Your post does me good. I bet you don't remember when we met?
  13. Good post! I'm glad Beane said this. The business evaluates everyone but not necessarily making an offer. Just be cool until an offer is made.
  14. I've said in another post that Burns needs to stay here.
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