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Everything posted by ThPantherFan

  1. Hopefully Tepper will rule as not an NFL coach and fire him before the season starts.
  2. That's a very good point. He's not an NFL HC
  3. Then why did the give up so much to get him. rule needs to go away.
  4. Maybe rule will get fired before the season opener. I can hope can't I?
  5. His first NFL game experience. I'm not worried.
  6. I love you brother. This comment isn't about you putting this up but the fact that someone came up with idiotic index is .....
  7. My guitar picking friend, you must have had too much to drink last night. I know you meant ...and his big dog. I didn't know they were allowed to bring their pets to camp.
  8. I hope so but I doubt he gets much. Sam will get the majority then PJ to let other teams see him and maybe pick him up.
  9. I've thought the same thing. Why rule is doing what he's doing is beyond........I don't want to start. Fire that *&&*%*&^kr
  10. It hurts - thought you might have a dose of the.....well, you know. You would know if you were in the military.
  11. If it wasn't so early I would drink to that statement. I'll drink 2 this evening.
  12. I hope rule is fired before the season starts.
  13. Maybe 8 or 9. That's good of you to help your friend out. I want the team to build for the long haul. You sound like you like single malt Scotch.
  14. Not what I said but you go with that.
  15. Drop all games? No. Win, yes but.......I've explained myself enough.
  16. I would rather have a team that built themselves up for going to the playoffs consistantly instead of a one and done.
  17. Actually, yes. To have a playoff caliber team with need playoff caliber coaches. rule is not a playoff caliber coach.
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