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Everything posted by ThPantherFan

  1. We will see. It would be nice but I'd rather see rule fired. A winning season, yes. Playoffs?
  2. I hope we gave him some chills.
  3. I love you Zod. You are amazing. I'm excited again.....not because of you...Panthers, I meant I'm excited about the Panthers.
  4. Shaq would be the one. Nice truck. Towing package.
  5. I can see that. Luke would make a great HC but I have to agree he will give it his all and burn out.
  6. I don't understand. I may have a hangover from too much whiskey
  7. That's true but he is an upgrade from what we've had. If we could just get rule fired and hire a legitimate head coach.
  8. I agree. Can't wait to see what he does with Baker.
  9. Thanks for the information. You like Scotch?
  10. I didn't think he was a quarterback. Thanks for setting this old man straight. My artrhitic legs are a little crooked but you know what I mean.
  11. He should pay another player for his number. Who's Heckker?
  12. rule needs to be fired, PERIOD. I think we will have a better season this year but not by much.
  13. That is for sure. I don't even want to talk about rule.
  14. Probably. rule will mess it up some how.
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