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Everything posted by ThPantherFan

  1. Thanks for saying that. I didn't want to get poo. Ha! I agree. It's to the players benefit to come out with that statement.
  2. That is so true. How can we really tell with rule's staff trying to develop players. I'm distraught.
  3. McCaffrey dropped a ball once and got tackled once.
  4. The only blame lands on rule's shoulder. Period!
  5. Has rule become very predictable? I thought they at least tried CMC with different looks. 90% right up the middle is predictable.
  6. I just hope Tepper sees this. The Huddle can have a loud voice.
  7. ladypanther, a lot of us are with you. Many of us Huddlers respect and appreciate you and your opinions. I as well as you have been a Panther fan since the beginning. We suffered the 1 and 15 season and had hope for the next year. I have no future hopes unless changes are made at the top. I agree whole heartedly with you that Tepper must fire rule NOW. Tepper needs football savy managers NOW. You and I may not agree on everything but you can assured that when you say something I and many more listen as well as respect you.
  8. I've thought similar to this. Corral has potential but he under rule's regime. That's not going to be a good thing for him. I hope he come's back with a vengence and lights up the field.
  9. I'm a believer in 'any given Sunday'. With that in mind, yes, we will win a few games. Will it be a winning season? I don't think so. I'm not a sports experts but I do know what I see when it comes to managing a group of workers. I don't see the buy in with rule and Tepper from the organization. There's that underlying hesitance to push. Where are the break downs in management. You could see a lot today in the coaching staff of the Panthers not adjusting to the Cardnials. I've lost my trust (have been for a while with Tepper and rule) and a change will need to come. I don't think Tepper has the ability to see what rule and his staff is doing. With that in mind, Tepper may be ignorant to the fact rule needs to go and bring in another group of managers. Just my 2 cents without writing a thesis on the matter.
  10. you mean, YOU MEAN It could be the coaching!
  11. Maybe the teams trying to get rule fired? Maybe.
  12. I'm glad you are joining us. Yes, fire the ;(*&*(&%(*&(kr
  13. That would be nice. Mr. Scot, thanks for all your hard work giving us Huddler's great information.
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