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Everything posted by DaveThePanther2008

  1. Well, it is pretty obvious that Reich isn't much of a play caller and IF Brown does well and our offense starts to move the ball someone is going to snatch him up. We've been through this several times where we have kept the incumbent and let the better talent move on. (ie. Bean and McDermott).
  2. Been a long time since that happened. Last time I can remember is when Baltimore and the Rams traded teams. Robert Irsay bought the Rams on July 13, 1972. He then immediately traded the franchise to Carroll Rosenbloom, who was the owner of the Baltimore Colts. Rosenbloom made the deal in part because he saved $4.4 million in taxes, which was an enticing proposition. Chump change for an owner these days.
  3. We'll see what happens when Brown runs the offense. If we see a great improvement maybe Tepper fires Reich and moves Brown into the HC position. Rather lose Reich than Brown at this movement in time.
  4. It's not like our defense is top tier. We need to rebuild and if we're getting a 1st round pick for him, it be hard to pass up. I love Jackson and want him to stay but this team need to find out who's worthy of stayng and who isn't. Sadly, I'd also listen to offers for Horn. Guy just can't stay healthy. We'd probably trade him, and he never misses another game.
  5. I watch many games thanks to AFN showing 3 games at a time. Plus I'll stream either the Panthers game or NFL Redzone. I watch so many teams that are creative and yet we're still stuck in the wrong era. Like I said before, I think Brown is going to shake things up some. I'm with you, If Brown makes us look like a real offense fire Reich and make Brown the HC. It would suck to show great improvement only to watch Brown go somewhere else and we're stuck with another OC that is like Reich.
  6. With or without Foreman the idea to sign Sanders was a huge mistake. Every time he gets the ball he doesn't press the issue. He baby steps hoping to find a hole and he gets dropped for zero to negative yards all the time. He was supposed to similar to CMC. A valuable target out of the backfield. So far he is by far our worst signing in the offseason.
  7. It's hard to tell but if I remember correctly the one preseason game where he was making the calls we actually looked like a competent offense. We'll see. It will be interesting to see how he does. Reich might feel the hot-seat from within the organization.
  8. I've got tickets to the Jaguar game in Jacksonville on New Year's Eve and I will be wearing my colors. My new wife, who is Filipino and my young 7-year-old daughter will also be sporting our colors. I have NEVER gone to a game without a Jersey and regardless of our record I won't start now. Been a fan from day 1 and will remain that way until my time is up. Hopefully, after we win the SB.
  9. I think Burns could be had for maybe a 1st and a 2nd round pick if the team that trades for him is willing to sign him long-term. If they are looking for a temporary fix for the remainder of the season I don't see them giving up that much. Chinn was supposed to be the wild-card for our defense yet his name is barely called. If an offer came up for him for a 2nd. I'd take it. I think if we are going to dive into the free agent market we need to stop reaching for a "potential stars" and grab legitimate ones. Chark had one good season and we missed on him. We let Foreman walk and signed Sanders who is a terrible running back. He baby-steps to the line and get zero acceleration when he's at the line. I would have rather kept Foreman. Hurst needs WR to help him get open. Theilan is the only WR on this team that consistently gets open and sadly for us it is usually the same area of the field our TE would succeed. If we ever get a legitimate #1 WR things may change for him. Mingo was supposed to be a sure thing. Smitty had him going to use before we selected him. So far, he's nonexistent and just another cursed 2nd round pick when it comes to WR. Barring a major trade with Burns we aren't going to get a 1st round pick. As of right now we are the top pick in the draft. So the 2nd round pick at the top of the 2nd round is critical for us. Too many variables right now but hopefully there is a #1 WR that falls to the top of the 2nd round. As far as coaching goes. I want to see what Brown can do calling the game. Seems to me when Brown ran the offense in the pre-season it was one of our better performances. Whoever is making the decision to start Sanders over Hubbard needs to be relieved. Hubbard is clearly the better RB of the two. It's sad to watch Hubbard get three of four good carries in the first half and then never see him again. Evero gets a pass this season because switching from 4-3 and 3-4 isn't easy and it shows. I don't ever remember our run defense being so bad. So frustrating to see 8,9 and 10+ yards on every running play. Fixing this team is going to be brutal. It can be done but it must be done wisely and so far wisely doesn't seem to fit the description of our front office.
  10. Players like TMJ, Mingo and Chark would have to start playing like we expected them. Chark can't catch a cold, TMJ can't win a contested throw and Mingo is still trying to figure out how to play in the NFL. Theilan is the only bright spot on our receiving Corps. Sanders is a bust at running back mostly because he pitter patters to the line. Hubbard at least runs like he has a purpose and really is our only decent RB, however when Sanders is healthy he gets the bulk of the carries. Defensively, I think we just don't have the players for the scheme we are running. We are getting gashed on just about every running play. Our best DBs have more splinters from the bench than they have playing time. To win out we HAVE TO get Young some help. Our defense has to improve A LOT. I have always been optimistic but this season it just seems too much for us. Sadly, Chicago is going to have a top 5 pick, plus their own top 5 pick in 2024 draft. Our only bright spot barring a trade of Burns is a top pick in round two.
  11. I've been a regular poster on this forum for many, many years but is has gotten to the point where every single thread is destroyed by negative posters one after another. I used to come on this forum every day to get news and great discussion about our team. These days it is frustrating to see post after post of negativity. You don't have to agree with a thread and still have productive discussion. Yeah, we're having a terrible season and I really thought we would be competitive, but the truth is we are in rebuild mode. New schemes offensively and defensively, a new rookie QB and some players that cannot step up into starter roles. We are starving for something positive, and I get that but destroying each thread just to destroy it isn't productive. I voted for but even if you do post something positive it will only take a couple comments before it is derailed by arguments and attacks. The days of a great forum are well behind us.
  12. Better watch out Tepper might bite on it. How delusional can a player be? He hasn't had one snap in the NFL and he thinks he's going to be part owner of the franchise who drafts him. He'd have to win multiple Super Bowls before the end of his rookie deal to even be considered for partial ownership.
  13. I read the other day that we are running a zone blocking scheme (Maybe I misread it). It is obviously not working. Why are we running this type of scheme considering our offensive line was much better running the ball with a normal approach last year. Sanders drivers me crazy as he is always pitter pattying when he approaches the line. I guess he's waiting for the zone blocking to work and find a hole. It's not working. Why isn't Hubbard being used more often? He at least pounds the hole better. I don't think it's Campen but I do believe it is Brown and Reich's scheme. It just doesn't make sense that our line looks so bad compared to last year. Got it Corbett is out but damn. Thoughts.
  14. That tends to happen when you have been on this forum longer than a couple of months. @Mr. Scothsa been on this forum from the inception. That's nearly 20 years ago.
  15. I said early on in the draft process that I believed it was between Young and Stroud but my desire was Richardson. Supposably, we have QB minds all over the place and Richardson would have fit in well with them while learning the position. After 2 Weeks IMO Richardson looks the best out of all three. I'm not unhitching my wagon from Young as I think it is going to take some time for him to get comfortable and than he'll show why we drafted him #1. (Or at least I hope so)
  16. I had hoped that our free agent signing would make a difference, but Chark and Thielen don't appear to be the answer. Young is being a rookie QB. And dealing with players that are old or a rookie or JAG. We don't have an elite WR that can help our rookie QB. Our TE is slightly above average, and it looks as if our stud FA running back is JAG too. We hitched our wagon to Young and we are going to have to let this play out. I do believe that with each week of experience Young is going to get better. Our defense is pretty damn good and we've been in the game going into the 4th quarter. Young will get better. Hopefully, by mid-season those late Quarter loses becomes wins. Sadly, this forum has gone downhill as everyone expects instant success when we draft a player. The first sign of our rookie QB not meeting their personal expectations they want to label him a bust. Just relax and watch him grow. I do believe he will be successful in this league. We have to give him time and we have to give him some elite weapons.
  17. Pretty much. Honestly, I thought there were several moments where I said wow, we have a QB and then there were times i just said WTF was that. I believe he'll improve as each week goes on. His receivers need to help him some. That pass in the late fourth Qtr to Marshall is a TD if he didn't stop running.
  18. Hutchinson destroys Taylor if he is line-up properly. Those refs allowed it the entire game. Not only that be he was always a half a step ahead of the snap. I can't see where that isn't a false start.
  19. The NFL cannot allow this to continue to happen. I believe I heard last night the Tackle must be lined up equal to the back half of the center. Taylor was a full body behind the center and was continually jumping the snap. I don't see how they couldn't call that every play. This game would have never been that close had the refs called the false starts and illegal formation. This is the typical NFL favoritism of the Chiefs. If we had a player lining up like this and jumping the snap we would have had 15 penalties.
  20. Maybe I am wrong but didn't Atlanta finish last in our division last year? While I agree every team can improve through the draft and free agency. We also improved. We addressed our most glaring need at QB. Considering we had an idiot running the team for 1/2 the season and we still won 7 games with QBs like Walker and Darnold. We have an Offensive Minded Head Coach, a great DC and we have solid players. Depth is a little issue but we have a good team. I predict that our true defense shows up on Sunday and our fan base blows up at how good they truly are. Bryce Young and Mingo turn into this years Burrow/Chase tandem. I think we go into Atlanta and Thump them good. 27-7 Black Cats.
  21. For two first rounders I agree. For one it isn't impossible. I like Burns but if he thinks he deserves the same money as Bosa that he's crazy. Bosa was Defensive Player of the Year. Burns wasn't even in the conversation.
  22. I think Burns wants to be here and I hope we can get him paid within a reasonable amount but as many have stated he's not on the Bosa level and paying him anything close to what he's getting is insane. I'm to the point where we trade him and get some value out of him even if it is just one first rounder and find a Rent-a-DE for one season. If we start overpaying players than we are going to put ourselves in a situation where we can't keep enough good players to be competitive.
  23. I saw this game too and thought pretty much the same thing. This type of turf apparently is very similar to grass and the players seem to like it. Since, Tepper uses the field for other events other than Panther Football it would make sense to invest in this surface since he doesn't want grass.
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