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About Biscuit

  • Birthday 09/24/1969

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  1. Stewert coming out of highschool. Brooks in highschool.
  2. I can't tell you how pumped up I was when we drafted Eric Shelton.
  3. I think I just saw him heading out to the cemetery with a shovel, a scalpel and a cooler. Not sure what that could mean.
  4. Avero looking for the entrance of the coaching transfer portal.
  5. What personnel moves can the Carolina panthers make to win the nfc south division next season? ”To enhance their chances of winning the NFC South, the Carolina Panthers could focus on strategic player acquisitions through trades, free agency, and the draft. Strengthening key positions like quarterback, offensive line, and secondary, while addressing any roster gaps, will be crucial. Additionally, optimizing coaching staff and refining team strategies could contribute to a competitive edge within the division.”
  6. I hate to pie but "you know"....
  7. What’s the old saying? “Can’t throw for 4.9 ypa for the club in the tub.”
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