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  1. Bryce is so good on the mic. He also sounds like a 16 year old lol.
  2. We can’t evaluate WR so the only options I see is go pay a lot for a guy who is proven or draft the consensus #1 WR
  3. Is Smitty usually way off on WR draft picks? I just vaguely remember he really liked Mingo
  4. He was a very high level talent guy that was known needed some time to adapt to the NFL. Also I think in our scheme the MLB calls the defense and has the headset. It definitely is not an easy position for a rookie
  5. I think it’s still Wallace. He was not supposed to be ready last year but injuries made him play a ton. He has a nose for the ball and think will be okay this year
  6. Would give my left nut for this draft
  7. I think Vrabel is a home run and has them playoff contenders by year 2. Cowboys are doing a 1 year hold. Maybe Deion said he needs one more year in college so he doesn’t get in same year his sons get drafted. Ben Johnson I have no idea, Caleb is going to be really good but can you get over the dysfunction of being the Bears? Is Johnson a guy who can build a culture? He learned from the best so maybe. no clue on JAX, going to say it doesn’t work because they’re still JAX. Same for Jets. wtf is NOLA doing
  8. that's exactly it. being reported its a 3 year contract, he prob is there for 3 years to right the culture then retire
  9. Ugh when’s the last time we got a good natty? The Tua game? This sucks
  10. I don’t know that argument isn’t really RB specific imo. Everything you said above while true, is applicable to every single position besides QB. You could replace WR, LT, DE or whatever and what you said holds true.
  11. Josh Jacobs, saquon, CMC, Zeke… Michel is a bust. Who else? I wouldn’t say it’s a VERY bad track record
  12. Amazing if it actually plays out like this
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