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  1. You don't trade for him unless the contract is agreed before
  2. Paying him would be a non issue. Giving up the 1st would be off the table for me tho
  3. I’m honestly shocked he isn’t a Panther yet. Guess he is looking for a payday
  4. That’s a smart move from our PR team if true. I’m a Bryce supporter but I’ve said many times we will know by Thanksgiving if he’s our guy or not. If he is, you don’t need a PR team to hype your QB that will come naturally. If he isn’t, you can hopefully move on amicably and setup Brooks and XL as your young core to build off
  5. I guess we have different experiences in corporate America. Imo it would be far far weirder to sit there and essentially ignore your CEO when talking about personnel decisions, however to your point the person you hire for that job should always have final say. Input is fine, but you hire a smart person to play a role and ultimately let them make the call… from what I see that is how we did it this draft. ultimately the way I interpret this video is Dan got everyone he wanted when it was our turn at the podium. Def a chance PR isn’t releasing all the decision making process but from the limited part I saw it looked quite solid with a decision maker who got final say regardless of outside factors and input.
  6. How could you have that takeaway? Just rewatched those 2 min and it shows Dan fully in control. There’s even a spot where Tepp looks to him and asks who he likes… Dan says Wallace, who we drafted. Seems like he’s making the call. end of the day, Tepp cuts Morgan’s paychecks so I don’t really expect him to be rude or ignore him.
  7. Except we’re the Panthers. Suddenly the new punishment is all your day 1 and 2 picks for 3 years
  8. Great analysis. Anyone saying Bryce is a bust after 1 season based on the mess we fielded last year isn’t being honest with themselves. We will find out this year if he is or isn’t
  9. Good on Tepper for acknowledging it unlike Richardson. I’m sure he is pushing the players to say stuff like this so he can get funding requested.
  10. Hahahaha. Yeah buddy keep telling yourself that. Totally were a playoff team last year
  11. I’m pretty much the opposite on him. He thrives on the scramble drill (like you said) and made a hell of a college career out of it but I don’t see too much that makes me think he has all the tools to be great. At least Bryce had all the mental tools (right or wrong that was the narrative out of college) for the NFL. Drake had the athleticism, Daniel’s the deep ball, Penix the cannon arm, Bo the accuracy…. I’m just not positive what tools Caleb has that is supposed to make him so great? All I saw from him was elite backyard make something happen ball… but I’ll admit I didn’t follow this qb class that closely.
  12. Boy been in the gym. Arms definitely bit bigger than last year
  13. Honestly he looks the same as CMC coming out of college to me. Can probably add 5 pounds of good weight and keep all his speed which CMC did after year 1
  14. Can you imagine him in Boston? Thank God we got him lol
  15. Yep, I think we know by Thanksgiving. We spent 100M on guards and high draft picks and trades on weapons, no excuses.
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