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Everything posted by Growl

  1. there’s no such thing as a surefire anything, especially at the OT position, but aside from that who cares an OT isn’t changing the future of your franchise, and when you’re picking as high as the panthers are, that’s what you’re in the market for.
  2. It’s a huddle tradition 1. it’s a weak QB class, don’t reach, just wait 2. wow these guys are actually good 3. This class isn’t as good as last year’s, repeat step 1
  3. Reach? Lol. Are you suggesting no QB will have a 1st round grade? Are you suggesting none will pan out? i don’t care about “busts.” You don’t make draft picks under the weight of crippling fear that it may not pan out. They all might fail.
  4. I’m sorry was that not clearly demonstrated the team has to acquire a franchise QB instead of getting sucked into this illusory approach of “just making sure we come away with a good player”
  5. You will be making this exact same post this time next year as is huddle tradition.
  6. If the panthers had done it the other way around last draft, if they had taken the QB presented to them despite it being deemed a “weak class,” the panthers would have the most important position on the field solidified and an open venue of top picks to select from you could take a LT, you could also take a premiere edge rusher who can actually set the edge and not have to overpay Hassan reddick, or you could’ve taken the CB now You never pass on a top QB prospects when you have a need a QB. You only delay your ability to properly assess where your roster is. it would be great to be talking one of these guys-one of these “can’t miss” tackles will certainly be there past pick #12 or so-but you can’t keep doubling down on the same mistake. it’s time to draft a QB.
  7. Y’all can’t even decide which of these “generational” “can’t miss” OTs is the best in the class. it’s like this every draft.
  8. He’ll be a 49er in two months
  9. Brian Flores out in Miami thats two coaches better than rhule who have lost their job
  10. Panthers should probably be on the phone right now trying to hire zimmer as their next HC, but since they apparently want to ride rhule into the ground (thought we were there) they should be begging him to come be the DC. it’d actually be a great setup for Zimmer, you’re being given a talented defense and will probably be the interim HC by midseason. it won’t happen though because rhule isn’t moving on from any more of his boys than he’s absolutely forced to in the interest of self preservation
  11. One last touchdown for Cam would’ve been a great thank you and a nice little gift for the fanbase but this circus sideshow was still trying to make Darnold happen in the hopes that it would save his job
  12. Hey tepper enjoy your empty stands
  13. they brought him one time to hand the ball off and then made him watch from the sideline as Sam darnold was emasculated every time he was given the opportunity to run, all because Matt rhule was desperate to prove the darnold trade was actually a Really Smart Play gonna enjoy hearing about how terrible things are going for rhule next season
  14. Rhule is clearly still enamored with winning the darnold argument pretty bad omen for the offseason
  15. who wouldn’t want the opportunity to work with a QB who is Basically Still A Rookie every season? imagine the limitless potential
  16. was kinda hoping rhule would be fired just so Jansen could say he played for four different coaches as a member of one team gotta be close to some kinda record
  17. Darnold’s contract means nothing. You don’t torpedo a season just because you paid a lot of money.
  18. The media isn’t invested in the panthers’ success the panthers are right where they’re supposed to be right now-in they’re place. if the panthers make the playoffs, it’s one less team like the cowboys or falcons who do. the only purpose the panthers serve is as a narrative charity for people and storylines the press wants to be a thing, case in point Sam darnold.
  19. Darnold definitely ate a couple sacks he didn’t have to.
  20. wouldn’t be surprised if rhule tries to pitch the idea that the darnold trade was actually a great ploy and that he’s only being held back by failures around him
  21. Cincys line is awful. it doesn’t matter because the game has changed.
  22. Sam darnold was a finished prospect when he got here and he was never going to be anything different
  23. Lol did you cite the cam Erving signing as a reason to never participate in free agency? Maybe we should just not sign safeties anymore either, remember haruki nakumura? what are you guys watching!!!!! Grrrr!!!
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