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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. Xclown was a classic! But I'd have to say the regular season game against the Seahawks in 2015. That was a coming out game and let everyone know that team wasn't to be taken lightly. The Seahawks had our number up til then.
  2. I honestly don't think they're better than the Giants, Commanders or Cowboys. A good QB and play caller makes a big difference though.
  3. Agree with all. But... Moore has to work back to the ball. You should never be waiting on the ball with a timing route like that. If you have to slow down, then start working back to the ball.
  4. Not really. Steve would have ate Horn's lunch... with a half decent QB throwing the ball.
  5. Love DJ, but Scary Terry is a different breed. Most underrated WR in the NFL. DJ is probably second.
  6. Got dammm!!! You've been in the fray!!!
  7. OMG!!! You can SWIM a MILE!!!????
  8. I hope D'onta is the one that sees the heavy interior running with this revamped offensive line. He's shown that he can be that guy when that man-child in Tennessee went down. And he really hasn't had nearly as much battle damage as CMC. Yes, I'd put him above Chuba right now. As others have said, I'd use CMC as more of a weapon (along with DJ) in this offense rather than a pure RB. D'onta - 15 to 20 carries from the backfield a game CMC - 15 to 20 touches a game from the backfield and slot Chuba - 5 to 10 touches a game
  9. Agree but I think Wundrbread isn't thinking intelligence in the way you are. There are many ways to measure intelligence. For instance, book smart vs street smart. And that's a REAL thing. I've met a ton of people that were one or the other. I'd think QB intelligence is more on the street smart side than the book smart side.
  10. If nothing else, this team has finally, finally, finally gotten serious about the offensive line. That in itself will go a long way in helping this team compete. Rivera and Hurney just never seemed to get it. Even after 2015 gave them the blueprint, they completely ignored it.
  11. He's only been an NFL head coach for 2 years, and not much experience in the NFL prior to this. Our expectations weren't realistic. It wasn't realistic to think the Panthers would go to the playoffs with Rhule this early, particularly when he didn't have a QB. And especially in the NFC South with Matt Ryan, Tom Brady and Drew Brees. He needs time to adjust to this level of football - but in the end, it is still football. He's had a chance to create his defense, his offensive line, and now his QB. A drafted QB that they targetted, and not settling for a throw-away vet that no one else really wanted. We should expect to see improvements in the wins column this season, even though it's still a tough division.
  12. When is this team going to learn? How many friggin times does it take? Stop doing the same dumb ish over and over and over and over. Draft a LT. That position (Offensive Tackles) has F'd this team for over a decade now. Remember the last time this team was relevant on a consistent basis? Offensive line was a strength. QB was a wildcard.
  13. When you play silly games, you get silly prizes. Welcome to QB purgatory Falcons. You deserve it. You did it to yourselves.
  14. Not just an improved oline, but the best cadre of weapons this team has had in a LONG time. Cam looked pretty good in 2020 with the Pats until his only real receiving threat went down (Julian Edelman). Had a couple of exciting games against Miami and Seattle early. I don't think he's 2015 Cam, but this team needs competence at the position right now. Sam ain't that, and any rookie would likely not be that either. Cam isn't "put the team on his back" anymore, but I think he can bring consistency and rare playmaking athleticism to the position. I like him as more of a game manager, with the ability to make an occassional super athletic play to spark the team when the offense is stalled.
  15. I think Brady's return put EVERY ONE else on notice. Whatever BS they were planning to go with before wasn't gonna work. I do feel like Matty Ice just took a huge slap in the face though. He definately isn't the reason that team is losing.
  16. Can anyone remember a time when 3 division rivals went after a player as hard as CAR, ATL and NO?! This ish has been a SHOW!
  17. I agree with this. He brought National Championships (in football) to the Carolinas. There are folk in those parts that would follow him like the next coming...
  18. Seriously! Not just a first round draft pick, but actually fix this ish. 3 of the current 5 starters need to be backups. If they march any of those interior dudes out there next year as penciled-in starters...
  19. Truly remarkable that Cam didn't succomb to the post-snap happy feet dance like Carr and Darnold.
  20. Can't be mad at Sam today. He played as good as could be expected. This oline would have Peyton Manning seeing ghosts.
  21. This is the biggest bich aZZ playcalling I've ever seen in my life!!!! Acting like this team is playing for a playoff birth! Just ball out and stop being so damn scary!!!
  22. The Panthers have taught me that no position on the oline is more important than any other. It's just that some are more difficult to find higher level talent. And this team has low level talent everywhere except RT. If they could come out of the draft with high-level rookies at RG, LG and C, I would much rather that scenario than just a LT. Heck, a young Trent Williams wouldn't be enough to fix fiasco. Guards can not get bull rushed into the QB as often as ours do. Just unacceptable...
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