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  1. I live in Philly, I always thought Sanders was overrated. He was a product of an amazing O-line. We signed him before the market was set. Chuba has been our lead and alsways done a good job even when he was CMCs back up.
  2. Two year tank plan. Best player in the draft after this season, Manning after next.
  3. It turns into a Steve Smith edit of him throwing people around.
  4. Can we trade him for DJ Moore? Maybe Christian McCaffrey, he’s always hurt anyway.
  5. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFM44D9Y/ This is the type of play we need again.
  6. I don’t think anyone is rejoicing over Andy Dalton. No one has excepted this being in a rebuild. Tepper (first and foremost) Matt rhule, and Scott Fitterer absolutely dismantled this franchise. These last 2 games might have been the worst display of football I have ever seen. Highschool level, not even college. Both sides of the ball.
  7. At this point let’s keep Bryce going, get the number 1 pick. Get some stud player. Still keep young next year get number 1 pick again and draft Manning to change our future. And the league needs to force Tepper to sell.
  8. I know I have made a lot of mistakes in life, but what did I do to deserve the state of this team.?
  9. After watching so many bad panthers games the last few years, this might be the worst. Not a single bright spot anywhere. They are messing up every single spot they can. I didn’t have high expectations but this looks like a highschool team against pros.
  10. What’s that bear doing at training camp?
  11. Maybe he is speaking up for the future players, trying to improve things moving forwards. Over 1000 yards, that’s not luck especially when the qb you all hate was throwing him the ball.
  12. Just trying to make talk, draft is over and still 5 months till the season.
  13. Imagine if we traded Burns instead of Moore to the Bears. Moore is a winner, Burns wants money.
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