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  1. What’s that bear doing at training camp?
  2. Maybe he is speaking up for the future players, trying to improve things moving forwards. Over 1000 yards, that’s not luck especially when the qb you all hate was throwing him the ball.
  3. Just trying to make talk, draft is over and still 5 months till the season.
  4. Imagine if we traded Burns instead of Moore to the Bears. Moore is a winner, Burns wants money.
  5. I hope Horn can stay healthy. (I have his jersey.) He is an elite talent when he is healthy. What’s the plan though, do we roll with Horn and a 5th round pick? Are we going to sign Gilmore? This has to be our worst position based off of the injury concerns.
  6. Also wasn’t the 8th overall pick, and he’s no Michael Penix
  7. Remember when we let the best RB in the league leave for peanuts?
  8. Bryce never had a chance year one, hate on him all you want. He had 0 line, 0 receivers, 0 running back. 0 defense. He wasn’t the best qb in college for no reason. Give him a chance with a built up team that is better than high school. A team with a direction. Let’s rebuild, and it’s around Young.
  9. Can someone provide some insider information on Gilmore. I have been seeing articles and posts about him for a month now and still nothing done.
  10. Thank you, sorry. also I didn’t mean this to be a Stroud vs Bryce. I meant it more as, let’s stop comparing and just admit Bryce was in a much worse situation and give him a chance with some help before we fully write him off
  11. I know there was a 50/50 over Young and Stroud last year, it wasn’t 90% Stroud 10% Young. Stroud was put into a much better situation. He also had a much stellar year than anyone could have expected. He was a rookie qb in MVP talks. It will over shadow Bryce. Let’s give this man a chance though. His awful coach was fired a few games in. Hopefully we worked on the O line, we brought in a better receiver. Stop all the hate, give Bryce a chance. There had to be a reason he was regarded as a number 1 pick, not just by the team that took him.
  12. Exactly. Also maybe it would hold the slightest bit more merit if it was Williams with the like.
  13. Even in a rebuild you can’t let everyone go. DB has been proving he is worth keeping around and I think he is only going to improve.
  14. Maybe being called out by Luke Combs can help a bit. Seems to be on the same page with the rest of us and has a platform the speak on.
  15. Do we think David Tepper has learned anything? The Rhule disaster through the Reich whatever you call it? I think the worst thing he might have done is make fitterer the gm. It’s nice to finally embrace a rebuild in my opinion. Do you think we can get on the right track eventually?
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