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Everything posted by Mol3m4n

  1. Right guard false start every single time. Every single time.
  2. Probably could if the oline could give him time, but they can't.
  3. OpEn ThE pLaYbOoK Dude has been on the team 9 days. Gtfo
  4. He was on the left, not the right. You're looking at Reddick.
  5. I've been singing Jackson's praises this year, but come on dude.
  6. Reddit has been overwhelmingly positive, Bleacher Report is a cess pool.
  7. Amazing how one person makes this big of a difference.
  8. Related to me in a big way. Gave me the little bit of introspection I needed right now. That's a powerful presser.
  9. There was a big fight in 520 or so.
  10. No one is tweeting about it, but the talk of his spiritual journey is the best part of the presser. That makes me excited.
  11. Is the video from last week anywhere?
  12. I commented that it's the best edit I've ever seen. R/panthers has had fire memes for 2 days.
  13. I was hoping that it would continue after Cam and was severely disappointed. The Moton spike doesn't do it for me.
  14. With Cam Newton back, I hope another tradition makes it back to BoA. It has been way too long since I've seen a football handed to a smiling kid in the end zone.
  15. That, my friend, is a man.
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