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Everything posted by FuFuLamePoo

  1. It always blows my mind how people fail to realize this. People say "picking the wrong quarterback sets you back 5-6 years!!" but like, no it doesn't? Hell the Jets realized after two Zach Wilson wasn't the guy and they're already able to explore other options since they feel they have a roster ready to win now. You'll probably know after those first 2-3 seasons if your guy is someone worth building around or not. And as you alluded to, we're only going one year without a first round pick. If we draft a bust a bunch of people will lose their jobs, but none of us and we can just try again when the time comes. Biggest fear is drafting someone bane average like Daniel Jones but convincing yourself he can take you all the way, which nobody else believes.
  2. I like Stroud plenty but I simply can't imagine watching creators like Mahomes, Herbert, and Allen take over the league and think "that's why you get a pocket passer."
  3. Burrow is like 6'3" 220 and tore his ACL his rookie year because of an incompetent OL. Cam Newton was built like a tank and had his career shorted by injuries due to overuse between running and passing, amongst other factors. Any player in the league can suffer a gnarly injury on any snap, it's just the nature of the sport. Where I'm going here is I wonder if frame is as much of an indication on injury risk/longevity as opposed to play style and supporting cast. I swear it feels like Drew Brees never missed one game in his two decade stint with New Orleans.
  4. Here’s my take: I think Darnell Washington is overrated and would be a bad pick at 39. I know he’s apparently some freak athlete but when I watch his film he looks clunky and labored. Basically zero production as a pass catcher, sure he may be a beast of a blocker but don’t we already have someone that’s supposed to fill that role in Tremble? I don’t think I’ll be thrilled if we take him high.
  5. The Cardinals are in a bit of a weird spot, but I doubt they regret the Kyler pick even a little bit. Through four years he’s been named to the Pro Bowl twice, has a 2:1 TD:INT ratio, has ran for 20+ scores, taken his team to the playoffs. Obviously they may go 2-15 this year and draft Caleb Williams next year, but even if they do they’ll get probably two firsts for Murray pretty easily. Also, Bosa was a far better prospect than anyone we’re passing up on here. He was generational as a EDGE/DE, clearly better than anyone in this class.
  6. None of us actually know the conversations that have been held in that front office but didn’t someone else say Tepper is largely letting the GM/HC handle this (as he should)? Also it’s basically been confirmed all the early smoke around Stroud was pure speculation without any sort of actual leaks there. I’m sure there are dudes in our organization that have Stroud QB1 but it seems like overall the consensus has come to everyone being able to get on board with Bryce.
  7. https://www.espn.com/nfl/insider/draft2023/insider/story/_/id/36253479/2023-nfl-mock-draft-seven-round-predictions-259-picks-12-quarterbacks-matt-miller?platform=amp Draft week babyyyy
  8. Levis is a solid QB prospect that’s an easy first round pick in every draft ever. Obviously taking him at 1 would be insane, but I think the smear campaigns have gone a bit too far. Won’t be a bit surprised if he finds success in this league. Had we not traded up to 1 I probably would have talked myself into the idea of taking him at 9 by now if he fell there.
  9. Comp % is an absolute meaningless stat. I’m not even trying to be a dick but this has been accepted by the hardcore football community for AWHILE. So much more goes into it, like scheme, supporting cast, difficulty of throws the system is asking the guy to make. Etc.
  10. Yeah I'm as high on AR as anyone but this is absolutely insane. Cam is one of the best passers of the ball I have ever seen.
  11. He should still be the second overall pick but yeahhhh I'm wondering if Bryce was our QB1 by a wide margin, think he's been the target the whole time
  12. I can’t believe we don’t have grass anymore because we’re too worried about having bums like Luke Combs in for concerts
  13. I can't imagine being this pessimistic. We could take Levis first overall and I guarantee you by 10 pm I'll convince myself we just drafted the next Mahomes
  14. Don't let Mr. Scot or PanthersGOAT see this. I've never seen such hilarious denial and I don't even care who they pick.
  15. Vegas is in the business of making money. Very rarely do they lose, acting like these lines are meaningless is dumb. Sure before our coaching search even started Harbaugh was a favorite, but obviously that ironed out once we started scheduling interviews and launched our process. The draft is 7 days away. This was a hypothetical article where the creator did a trade for every pick. Fitterer said we aren't trading the pick. This is over over.
  16. Can we all agree the absolute funniest outcome at this point would be the Panthers trading out of this pick only to take Anthony Richardson
  17. And I get that, I actually have the utmost faith in our current personnel. If they’re that convicted in him then they probably shouldn’t move off him for anything. I like Bryce plenty as a prospect and think he’s a lock to be a top 5 pick in every draft ever, but I do think there are some red flags and I like what CJ offers quite a lot as well. But again, I’m just a random guy who’s never played a down of football. I do my scouting by following people I trust on twitter and watching YouTube videos, hardly a perfect science. I’m not saying this is the right opinion, if our FO comes to the determination that Bryce is that much better than the rest then I have faith in them. Just to the average Joe like me I think it’s close enough that I’d trade Bryce for CJ if it meant an extra top 15 pick to go with it.
  18. I think Bryce is the best QB in this draft but not by that wide of a margin. Hypothetically speaking if that’s on the table I highly consider it as I don’t think the drop off between Bryce and CJ/AR is that large. If they threw in a 24 first I’m probably even more eager on it. The thing with this draft is it’s so weak at the top. But I think CJ & JSN >> Bryce
  19. Yeah, I suppose there could have been a chance this was all still smoke to get Houston to make a deal, but with all the reports that they’re trying to get out of 2 that has to seal the deal and this thing is over
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