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Dave Gettleman's Shorts

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Everything posted by Dave Gettleman's Shorts

  1. about the same distance it would have been if we punted...
  2. 2007 Jake Delhomme was on another level. too bad Tommy John ended him
  3. remember when azeez ojulari ABUSED our tackles during the giants game
  4. Rhule would have moved Gross to guard and keep him on the bench
  5. Because during 2013 and early Rivera era, our losses were usually within one score games. We were competing until the end and the team didn't look lost. With Rhule, we're getting blown out by the Giants and Dolphins...
  6. Terrible decisions after terrible decisions that set the rebuild back (Hiring Joe Brady as OC, the QB situation, signing bums to play on the o-line, calling time out after deciding not to punt) but Rhule's excuse is this "year 3 success" BS....
  7. seems like a bunch of people who have no idea how to run a professional football team. poor scouting, poor contracts, poor trades, poor draft picks, poor free agents signings, etc.
  8. Fox had his downfalls but o-line under his era was never the issue as he was a run heavy coach and were willing to invest as he knew their importance. Gross, Wharton, Ryan Kalil, and Otah (before injuries) to name a few.
  9. Basically means that Rhule and company are good at game planning but have no clue of how to make in game adjustments.
  10. Him sending out the punt team only to waste a timeout and then sending out the offense is all we need to know about Rhule as a coach
  11. if the goal post was 5 yards to the right in each stadium, Joey Slye would be the most accurate kicker in NFL history
  12. Terry McLaurin is no scrub. D-jax was playing extremely undisciplined yesterday trying to go for the big play instead of playing his assignment. Ron knew his tendencies and game planned around it.
  13. is Brady allergic to play action passes? run the ball with CMC and Cam and set up the play action
  14. it was throw to whoever d-jax was covering offense
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