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  1. I don’t think he would want to come here after we trade away our draft assets and he has to play behind a o-line that can’t protect him. Also we’ll have a defense that gives up 30+ a game cause we traded away our future. How is this attractive to Watson?
  2. Yeah, he ran two a day practices leading up to the 1981 Super Bowl, wore his team out and lost.
  3. Twenty years ago ESPN was somewhat factual and interesting, today they are garbage.
  4. I agree, I think he would be a good pick. Kid's gotta helluva an arm. Steve Young seems to think so as well.
  5. It seems that some NFL scouts and some here on the Huddle have concerns about his character, calling him Johnny Manziel without the drug problem. Basically calling him a spoiled rich kid, even so it seems that Steve Young and the 49ers are willing to take a shot at him if he's available around #12 in the draft. https://www.knbr.com/2020/12/23/nfl-scouts-detail-character-concerns-for-zach-wilson-in-recent-report/
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