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Everything posted by Pimpdaddy

  1. Oline is never glamorous...but its the building block of an offence...even allows you to win with a shitttty qb...
  2. ..yea...that aint gonna happen....but i'd love to see both ex Jets off thist team...
  3. Had we picked a QB....things would be the same... really kinda surprised we went in the right direction on this first rounder. Oline picks are not glamorous but necessary. I think Fit is doing the right things...his only to fug ups...Robby and Sam were prolly made cause fhule was having a hissy...
  4. ...You know fhule is doubling down on Pickett... All the conjecture of this, that and the other ain't happening.... we know his ass... Not sure I like all those braces on Ekwonu's knees at this juncture of his career...
  5. ...Always a gamble and never a sure thing... I like Willis...dual threat QB that gives us the best chance at winning... but that may influence rhule being back again. We need a competent QB and we can't rest until we find one. Another swing coming up...hope its not strike 3.
  6. yea, Snow doesn't know what to do with the D anyway... i.e. see Taylor Heinicke
  7. ...thank God.... then they know he sucked before he dicked up his throwing arm...
  8. got to the bowl.... ur not gonna find Adonis surrounded by 6' 6" linemen who can protect for 5 seconds... whats your suggestion...
  9. ....Haarrrr... draft. where was Delhomme when we got him...where was Brees when NO picked him up...Mayfield just needs wrangled in and humbled...he has the skill set... darnold never did... we're in qb hell...so debate all you want but godda do something.... and if we pick him up...i'm pretty sure he'll have his 6th OC soon after...
  10. ...we need to herd qbs in and out till we find one.... since the draft is total crap.... he might be viable...Browns haven't done much right since league re-establishment granted.... if the price is right...let not turn our back on someone who has skill above and beyond the slop thats out there or incoming....who you got?...i need a laugh.
  11. Works for me....Having Sam and RA around is a constant reminder that we took the Jets trash and thought we could build around that... Baker is the best of the lot and we sure as hell won't find a franchise QB in the draft. Think Mayfield will be highly motivated wherever he goes and I don't mind his mouth... he does need to get in the film room and chill on the commercials.. We could do worse than Mayfield and prolly will...
  12. not against Mayfield... young gun slingin Delhomme ...we need a Smitty to complete him and that aint Robby... think hes the best of the lot. .... but please, don't get jobbed with a Anderson/Darnald deal...
  13. ...He mothin off like he got Tyreek Hill credentials...his game is seriously weak...
  14. Makes perfect sense...lets pick up a QB who just had shoulder surgery on his throwing arm... If this happens, this coaching staff is incapable of learning...
  15. Draft doesnt matter ...heading to our 4th 5-12 season...unless you draft 5 Jesus'...we gonna stank into the future.... could care less about the draft because its gonna be a mess... we'll be talkin up those 5th rounders like they're all stars...
  16. ...at this point, tepper is an azzhole....until he proves otherwise...but I think by then...we wont have a team...
  17. Howww do you buy a team and fkup everything. Everything? Evarrayyythang! The coach, the players, the mantra and the fandom. We are headed for our 4th 5 win season under his leadership. Tepper doesn't give a sht about fans...I urge you to boycott his shtty product. Lets cut out Keep Pounding but offer nothing else in its place...
  18. ....yea....got drug by the Jets...please don't get drug by Cleveland...
  19. We don't have the full story...it will come out soon enough... Bet it went something like this. tepper: 'hey Andy and Barney, I got a deal for ya'...
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