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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. Hell yeah. I heard they recently stopped brewing the Ninja Porter. Please tell me they didn't.

  2. Do you have an account on Carolinapreps.com under this same username?

  3. Yeah. I mean, it's not like I'm losing sleep over it. I just hate punk asses who graduate high school and think they're still hot poo.

  4. That is amazing, Mike. I need that. I need that so badly.

  5. Thread derailer/ender. Also, nice ass pic of Olivia Wilde.

  6. ^^ Ok, tell me I'm not the only who sees that. Its the pic I wanted to post, its there. If it ends up disappearing on me (or the red x you mentioned earlier. I haven't seen it. It just shows up as nothing) then maybe it is something I'm doing. I took the link out of the Properties tab on the pic.
  7. See, that's what I'm doing. Initially, its going through fine. That's what's confusing me. I preview and it shows the pic in the preview. Then, after I post it, it still shows up. That's what confused me about Captroop's posts. Even when he quoted mine, my pic was there.
  8. Ok, somebody PM me how YOU do it. Cause the pics are showing up on my screen. I just want to see if I do something different from you (which, apparently, I do.)
  9. I find that rabbit terrifying. Guess its a good thing that this is a free forum.
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