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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I am guilty of saying this about TMJ, although he hasn't exactly looked like a stud, regardless. That takeaway should be that almost all of our players deserve some freedom from judgement during the Rhule era. He had a way of ruining a lot of things.
  2. The salary cap is intended to make sure all teams have an annual limit to what they spend on salary. However that is literally not what happens. You can go an INSANE amount over that limit(like the Rams did) to win in a year span(or multiple years, if you want). That is precisely why I say it isn't real. It isn't any more real than saying that the if I make $578,125 in income in 2023 that I have to pay 37% in income taxes. Sure....if I am an idiot and don't use every available loophole to ensure that doesn't happen. That is what is happening here. Teams use these loopholes to make that salary cap almost nonexistent. CMC is a great example of an insanely bad personnel move. We paid a lower value player an insane sum of money that he was not worth. And then we doubled down by making this deal very unfriendly to the cap. So when you make mistakes like that, you can either cut bait like we did, eat a player that kills your cap or keep extending him forever to alleviate the impact of the original dumb decision. Shaq is yet another example of this. Creating cap problems isn't nearly as detrimental to your future as trading away premium draft capital in a "win now" mode. THAT is how you end up fuged in the long term. Because not having cheap and potentially elite talent to bring along as you replace more expensive players is a recipe for disaster.
  3. I mean, it is literally not real. You can pay in a single year massive amounts of money over it but you can prorate it to the ends of the earth to keep those figures down. Then when the base salary money starts rising, convert to signing bonus, prorated out further and create more cap. It is a complete shell game. That is what most intelligent teams do. Like I said, you still can't spend like a drunken sailor on underperforming players because that will 100% catch up to you.
  4. I think you are spinning a much wilder conspiracy than actually exists. McVay is leaving because of personal reasons and I am sure the specter of rebuilding doesn't attract him either. But....most NFL teams go through rebuilding. If you are smart and do things well, you can also stay competitive during those rebuilds. How many successive rebuilds have the Steelers and Pats gone through while still being winning teams? You can't spend like a drunken sailor or make a bunch of bad decisions on personnel. THAT is where you create trouble. Having unproductive players on the books that you have to jettison or suffer through. THAT is how you can fail at this. Other than that, the cap is literally not a concern. We can retool a BUNCH of our current contracts to keep making space and kicking that can. All the while, we can pay out big lump sums to the players which makes them happy. So, you really don't need to be worried about the cap. Hurney is gone and we actually have people in the building that understand how to play these tricks.
  5. You may not remember this clip but this explains some of what is going on.
  6. See my reply in the other thread. The cap is basically no longer a real concern. It's just a shell game. And we did hire people smart enough to finally play it.
  7. This is the modern NFL era where the cap isn't real. We can restructure basically forever and kick the can basically forever. This is quite literally the new way to handle that. Especially with the cap expected to skyrocket in the next few seasons. It isn't just the Saints that do this. It's the norm.
  8. Well being bad at evaluation isn't going to work no matter how many picks you have. Remember, you don't fill ALL your needs through the draft. There is free agency. The draft is about injecting cheap and hopefully capable talent to build the core of the team. We should(and probably have) been adding DL and OL in just about every draft class. Those are two of the biggest positional groups on any team.
  9. We would be smart to draft Corbett's eventual replacement. Frankly, since we have a good OL, we should be drafting at least 1 OL just about every year to develop. Our depth is still thin, so this just makes sense.
  10. Yeah, that is a literal nightmare scenario. Any individual portion could be digestible, to a point. All three? JFC
  11. I don't think fans were pounding for him as much as that owner was.
  12. Eh.....I think we need to be careful about fixating too heavily on the "local guy" aspect. We have gotten ourselves in trouble a lot of times banking too heavily on that in players and coaches. Those are always cool stories but the reality is that rarely matters on the field. In the community it is usually fantastic.
  13. I am 1000% confident he is trash but I am not confident that there aren't dumbass teams in the NFL. After all, look at what we traded for the bum.
  14. The phone is fine but it is wonky. Even with ad blockers it is very buggy.
  15. Page 7 works like a charm. I cannot explain that at all. @ECHornet I will take that action but I am taking the over on $3.5 mil. Would definitely take the under on $5 mil.
  16. Okay, is anyone else having a problem with ONLY page 6 on this thread? I can't reply to anything nor does it load properly.
  17. This seems like something a Saints, Bucs or Falcons fan would want....for us.
  18. @ECHornet I will take action on that Darnold bet at +/- $3.5 mil for his 2023 salary. $200? Note: Can't reply to the post or anything on Page 6 in this thread. Bad code or something. This site really is garbage from. a technical standpoint.
  19. He didn't get fired for his record, so that really isn't at all pertinent. I don't think anyone was left with the "he ruined his legacy" impression over anything he did on the field. He was viewed as a marginally above average head coach, at best.
  20. Because they are highly competitive people and that guy specifically is. Gruden didn't ruin his reputation on the field. Dan Snyder leaking his emails ruined his reputation. If McVay has mildly suspect emails floating out there that someone wants to release, it will torpedo his TV career more easily than his coaching career.
  21. You are aware that website isn't an NFL team, correct? They give approximate values(Overthecap, which is a better source typically, has his at $3.046 mil) that may or may not get hit. Sportrac also has Baker Mayfield's value listed at $6.5 mil. Guess we should just resign him instead, huh? Given how much that value chart means.
  22. He is gonna soak up that easy TV money for a while. I suspect he isn't done with coaching in the NFL however. Maybe in 5-6 years after we fired our next two coaches.
  23. Listen, some people drink during the week.
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