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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. To an extent but I do feel like it is getting worse. Fans seem to be increasing their desire to eat each other alive inside their own fanbase. It's so fuging strange.
  2. Yeah, I mean that just happens. We could get it wrong. We could take Stroud and get tears an Achilles or has some scandal where he gets jerked off behind Waffle House dumpsters in every city he travels to. We could take Young and then he retires to become a foot model in Paris. Or maybe he can't stay healthy due to repeated injuries. Some of the poo you just can't control. There is no such thing as a risk-less pick. At the end of the day, I am very comfortable taking either guy, despite my personal preference on the matter. But I don't doubt that we got plenty of people here that will immediately switch to hoping "their guy" is successful rather than the guy we picked, just so they can harp about it on an internet message board for some imaginary credibility points.
  3. It would not be the dumbest thing posted here in recent memory, sadly. I literally cannot wrap my head around how polarized this place is over what is genuinely two pretty damn good choices, IMO. The poo that you see these buffoons saying is insane.
  4. I think either guy is acceptable to me personally. I favor Young because I think he might be the best at processing information that we have seen in a while coming out of college. I am not going to get mega butthurt if we draft Stroud. He is a very good prospect in his own right. Of course that is a minority opinion since this place has largely devolved into two cages of warring Young and Stroud monkeys, screeching and flinging poo at each other in every thread.
  5. Can we get a ban here, please? I was told that only emotions and not statistics were allowed on this subject. After all, we wouldn't want anything objective inserted into a comically hysteria-filled debate. It took what, a handful of posts before someone cried about this?
  6. Yeah, it sucks he didn't work out but consider the guy that got him for us. Really all those players are gonna have to prove themselves, unfortunately.
  7. I don't remember the Cam draft having this many insane fanbois. You can't even talk about one of Young or Stroud without some completely retarded pissing match breaking out. Did I somehow miss us ending up with the #1 overall pick? I must have because the level of butthurt about the POTENTIAL of our pick not going one group or the other's way is lightspeed crazy.
  8. I don't think it is as much about what he averaged rushing. Chuba isn't elite at any specific skill. His best attributes are closer to average in the NFL than anything else. That's not a winning formula for an NFL running back in the era where the position is devalued. Doesn't mean he can't have a decent career but it's gonna likely be as a 2nd or 3rd string/special teams guy. If I were him, that is what I would get really fuging good at, playing special teams.
  9. I thought this was about prostate issues.
  10. I don't mean good college defenses, I mean NFL caliber talent. The SEC has a lot more of that than the Big Ten.
  11. The biggest difference to me is that while people laud Stroud's one impressive performance against NFL tier talent, Young has two complete seasons against similar competition and was more impressive. At the end of the day, I am fine with either but I do believe Young will ultimately be the better NFL QB.
  12. TBH, he could easily be stashed on the practice squad without much threat of him being poached by another team.
  13. I mean.....we haven't even gotten to the draft yet. Not sure the cart is in the same zip code.
  14. This is the weirdest QB fetish in Panthers history.
  15. I don't think this is the first dive someone has done into this. Logically, there wasn't likely to be a strong correlation. Some people just have a very basic understanding of simple football and assume very ridiculous things.
  16. I'm excited too but let's slow our roll. Results do matter the most when it comes to grading any offseason. Gotta put in 17+ games before we start celebrating this walk off HR. It is the first season I have been genuinely pumped about since 2018.
  17. I think Levis and Richardson are going to clearly prove the massive gap between themselves and Stroud/Young.
  18. INB4 Huddle analysis of eye contact, googly-eyedness, heavy petting, body language and associated non-verbal cues from our team reps.
  19. I didn't expect a literal war between idiots fanboying out of their goddamn minds for no logical reason. Just fuging discuss it like adults! I realize this is an unrealistic expectation for the Huddle.
  20. Can we get a thread of just CJ vs. Young bickering to contain this crap? This has literally become the board. Just some wildly confident thread about how *insert my guy* is the only choice, the other guy is a worse version of JaMarcus Russell, *insert my guy* is basically a Mahomes/Brady hybrid, etc, etc. It's literally the only thing that is even posted anymore. What the actual fug.
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