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Happy Panther

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Everything posted by Happy Panther

  1. I liked him and he was best buds with Dave. Likely drugs from what I am reading.
  2. Rhone and Bordeaux are fairly easy to get into and hard to miss. Burgundy is the opposite. But the best wine I ever had was a Burgundy. Smelled of manure.
  3. I watched. I don’t have a driver yet but if HAAS is going to be competitive I might follow them.
  4. Do not want. But if OP is right we have a new insider and everyone has to eat crow. Not putting away the pitchforks yet.
  5. Hypothetically this should be priced in. Disney is sticking around because it is so diversified. im more worried about a P/E of 32
  6. Seems like a great idea for a pool. What week does Rhule get fired.
  7. I have been buying the dip. Today's purchase was NFLX.
  8. Sign Cam, draft Willis, spend the rest on an LT and C/G. EZPZ
  9. Teams use leaks to control the data flow. Sometimes it is misinformation. But you can't just always leak falsehoods so you need to leak real things as well. Plus it gains favor with the media. All teams do this. If these are a bunch of things Tepper doesn't want to leak then that is an issue. But I have no reason to think that either way.
  10. Yeah California is pretty good at mass producing wines without a terrible lack of quality. No reason anyone shouldn't be able to find at $15-$20 drinkable cab. While I have collected plenty of $100+ reds in the wine fridge we tend to splurge on port and champagne. From this week:
  11. The author strikes me as someone who has a lot to say at town council meetings. The article needs a different title but those are areas people can save money. "stuff" is a category. In any case I will always spend for food and travel. Always fly business/first. Never skimp on wine. But I have no debt so this article isn't for me. And I like fancy coffee.
  12. Anyone used this? I got Steve Smith to do a birthday recording for my son. It was pretty cool!
  13. I smashed my bumper and it was at least a month to get it resolved. And building a pool last year was a nightmare.
  14. Davidson has an up and coming program...or maybe UNCC.
  15. I think this will not be an uncommon sight on twitter over the next year.
  16. His job is to make the playoffs. Which he will do.
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