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Everything posted by Saca312

  1. Just an interesting conversation posted by the NFL from Hard Knocks. Seems Burns was made available to the Giants a bit before it actually happened.
  2. Adding on to that - I know I read from some reporter that Dak Prescott's mentality is extremely fragile. Get in his head, and he loses focus and confidence. Per that reporter, anytime a big game comes up, he starts to have the jitters and hasn't seem to overcome that slump. Dak would be an upgrade over Bryce as things currently stand. But Dak has not proven he can play in games that matters without choking. Bryce hasn't had the chance to show anything in the NFL, so nothing much to say there. But based on his history, he's done well in college in the national championship. Theoretically he should be more confident in big games if he gets to that point. For that alone, I'd rather keep rolling the dice on Bryce or set our sights higher. I wouldn't touch Dak with a 10 ft pole given his choking habits.
  3. 7th rounder. Probability dictates he'll be a camp body fighting for a spot on special teams.
  4. ESPN mentioned he's a good space eater. Could have upside as a good rotational piece. Presume he's here to help with the run defense and opening up lanes for our LBers.
  5. Zach Sanchez is a retrospect 5th rounder to consider as the baseline. If we get better value than that out of Smith-Wade I'm happy.
  6. Troy Franklin as the 4th rd pick and Theo in the fifth would be a dream. Focus on offense this year, worry about defense next year after this O is retooled.
  7. Yep. We wanted a better offense. We got two shiny new guards. Get a better run game than two punch of Chubbard and fugging Sanders and let the run game start evolving better.
  8. Good pick. Best RB available. We've been needing a stronger run game for a while now. Love the focus on tooling up the offense for Bryce.
  9. only plausible explanation is for a 5th year option.
  10. Diggs wanted out of the Bills for a while now. They got value for him for a time when they're assuredly going for a mini-rebuild. Bills get rid of a WR who underperformed last year and wanted out. Texans take a gamble on getting value out of Diggs in a fresh new environment. With that being said, jealous of how competent Texan management is at acquiring and getting talent around their stud incumbent second year QB. Absolutely incredible moves by them these past few years that the Panthers could only dream of making.
  11. On paper, they are good moves. But every offseason, every team has made great moves on paper during hopium season. What matters is the product on field. Will these guys mesh well with Canales' philosophy? Fitterer "revamped" the receiving corps last offseason and had a great rated draft. All these players completely flopped when it mattered. We shall see if there's any fruitful results. It's great on paper, and I surely hope this isn't a paper tiger offseason. I don't blame anyone for being optimistic, and I don't blame any skepticism either.
  12. Two TE set is obviously the answer. Get Jordan Leggett. #sanjayisms
  13. His main strength is his run defense. Perfect to pair with Derrick Brown to hopefully start adding beef and stop this front from being a leaky sieve.
  14. The absolute cognitive dissonance the sports media has with Cam infuriates me to no end. Absolutely embarassing to even mention Kaep when Cam Newton's on the field success has shown so much more than he ever had. The same sports media that claims Cam Newton isn't a pocket passer - despite a large majority of his snaps being in the pocket! - and then saying bullpoo like this. Cam created a new paradigm on defense that accounted for running QBs, and was an absolute beast in every way. Shame on the media for bringing down one of the most polarizing and talented QBs of this generation.
  15. Seems it's time to split the Panthers over state lines and spark a rivalry. Dave Tepper can get South Carolina's team.
  16. If Cam had one other reliable receiver that playoff run, we'd have been in the Superbowl. I honestly believe that, Cam was hitting another gear against the Saints. "The lights were bright" is the most insane excuse I've ever seen for not catching one of the most incredible passes from him.
  17. cam's always been smarter than anyone's given him credit for. laughable nobodies thought they knew more than a former NFL MVP. the same media that called him a non-pocket passing QB, when if you actually watched his snaps, he's pretty much always in the pocket and at his best in it. such stupidity.
  18. we put 30+ on them. cannot believe how bad the cowgirls are choking. not complaining, it's just insane to see.
  19. Definitely wouldn't be opposed. He's doing good on the Ravens. Freddie Kitchens strangled his ability on the Browns, and he's shown to have grown as a coach and good success. Now though, Carolina would definitely be a pretty bottom-tier dumpster pile compared to the Ravens offense, and Bryce Young could only dream of touching Lamar Jackson's jockstrap at this point, so it remains to be seen if he can inject any form of fire there. And something I just saw - seems Monken heavily favors quality protection schemes. Would be good if he figures our a way to get the Panthers oline off the stench of Reich's needlessly complex zone scheme and implement their strengths.
  20. Yep. Ben Johnson resurrected Jared Goff of all QBs, Sam Howell has a great shot of staying. Pairing him with MHjr, sheesh. That's about as an attractive landing spot for him as it gets.
  21. What an absolute mess. An absolute masterclass of incompetence to let Burns go into the season without a deal. At first glance, it's a fine proposition and bet to make - if you're garnering that Burns underperforms to where you can try for a discount, then it's an alright move to make. But wow, when considering the context the Rams would've sent two firsts and then some extra change? You take that and run away with it giddy and happy, ESPECIALLY if you had no plans to honor what Burns is asking for. Now, the Panthers are likely going to let Burns walk with minimal in return. They missed the boat for extra first round pick ammo that this dysfunctional and talentless team needs, and that would've been the best chance to acquire that. This team's inability to commit to a full rebuild is what's doing them in. They get rid of CMC, then say Burns is their cornerstone but don't pay him, then shipping DJ Moore and future draft capital off for a make a wish QB is the foundation for what is the 2023 Carolina Panthers of misery.
  22. Plausible contention is the injury mocking is what initiated Tepper's ire towards the fan and the heckling as the interception happened was the straw that broke the camel's neck. That or Tepper is trying to find the one slim excuse that could garner sympathy for him in the Panthers Org.
  23. Saw this making the rounds on Panthers twitter. Maybe legit, maybe a bunch of poo. Do with this perspective what you will. "Team employee I know very well tells me Tepper threw the drink in response to the Jags fan heckling Marquis Haynes when he was concussed... "get the stretcher" type stuff and celebrating. A couple of FU's were exchanged, then Tepper threw his drink."
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