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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. You can tell CMC is like I am doing my damn job, but he isn't having any kind of fun at all. Wasting his talent. Oh, and what the hell has happened to Moton? Is he done? He hasn't been good this season.
  2. Just like the thousands of other STUPID decisions Rhule and company have made, he hasn't played very much at all today. FIRE RHULE
  3. Unless the secondary plays better Snow better realize that leaving Horn, Henderson, and Jackson on islands against better QBs and teams won't always work. Yeah, he's rattled Jameis twice with all the pressure, blitzes, stunts...but we aren't talking about Rodgers, Allen, Brady, Herbert (who I know is hurt, but still can kill you when healthy). Hell, even Kurt Cousins and Carr will carve you up sending all that pressure all the time. Lawrence is starting to look pretty good in Jacksonville too.
  4. Didn't Necas say he wanted to play Center this year? Hope we don't get the Necas from last year.....
  5. Just a rookie learning the ropes and taking his lumps. If he's going to be our LT let him get in all the snaps this year because he'll be learning on the job. This is my preference and I think the optimal decision. If Rhule continues to be coach though I wouldn't be surprised to see Christensen at LT and Ickey slotted at LG. This is a foolish move because it won't allow Ickey to develop and he's supposed to be a franchise LT at the draft position he was taken.
  6. Have to keep Morgan over Fitt - just think Morgan has more overall player knowledge and isn't trying to pull some of the Seahawks stuff here. Fitt has had his chance and all the moves have backfired badly. Head Coach needs to be offensive minded and has NFL experience and contacts - I'll take Pep Hamilton who can also go out and hire an NFL defensive coordinator and NFL coaches. If we are lucky enough not to fug up and win meaningless games and we get our chance at the QB of our choice CJ Stroud - 6'3", has a cannon for an arm, and he's mobile. More pain even with this combo coming onboard, but better draft management, coaching, and hope that we have another franchise QB and not other team's leftovers.
  7. How the hell did our O-Line do that well for CMAC to get that run?? OMG
  8. The old HC that beat Michigan and won those FCS national championships?
  9. Are you a business owner, if so are you hiring?
  10. Will TMJ, MC, SS, BM, JH, PE, IE B wut we thought they R? Will CMC and RA live 2 their potential. We will have 2 C.
  11. Nebraska doesn't want Rhule, hell there isn't a team in the Sun Belt conference that wants Matt Rhule. Temple taking him back looks to be promising, maybe UConn?
  12. Ok your opinion was wrong, and that's a fact.
  13. Dude, it isn't an opinion when the final score and story of the game makes it fact. I am glad you are optimistic. Send all the good vibes Rhule's way. I won't be blowing smoke up his ass (or Tepper's) ever.
  14. After watching the first couple of seasons of Rhule coaching the Panthers are you really still hoping that these issues are cleaned up? They never have been in the past. I hope you are right, I hope they are. I am about out of faith.
  15. I am just going to leave this thought here: Does it really take a great coach to know that Ike would need help against Garrett today? Look, I know sometimes you have to ask your players to bear down and go 1 on 1 with All-Pro players but you have to know you can't ask that a majority of the game. I suppose it is "trial by fire" for Ike and hopefully he'll grow from it, but it's just common sense. Fans don't get paid millions to understand the obvious. As a HC Rhule has to talk to his OC, Off Line coach, DC, etc. to all relate and come to a common conclusion on things that are so OBVIOUS. It's poor game planning that we've seen for 3 years now.
  16. Really? This is your reply? I can expect the professional football team I am a fan of to be FAR better prepared and coached than what they showed today even against a Top 10 (not 5 IMO) defense. I guess I expect too much of well paid coaches who "coach" well paid players.
  17. If we had a competent HC and OC they could have avoided all the 3 and outs and giving Cleveland the ball for most of the 1st half.
  18. I will hate: I hate the fact that Rhule has any space to work with after such a poor overall performance by the team through 3 1/2 quarters. Now everyone wants to talk about the bad roughing the passer call (which was as terrible as they come), the whole Brissett spike debacle, and how the guys kept playing to come back. Rhule's feet should be held to the fire for the poor preseason preparation (juggling OL, not playing projected O and D lineups enough, etc.), the piss poor game planning we have been seeing over 3 years now, NO adjustments between possessions (give Ike more help with Garrett, run the ball some), and basically just continuing to show what a buffoon he is calling TOs when we have momentum and playing for a FG instead of trusting paid professionals to do their job. Instead of the above he gets to talk about bad calls and that we "had a chance." At least he had to address the center/QB exchanges, but he needs his ass roasted for this team looking like fuggin crap during his tenure.
  19. I saw Horn lined up against the slot receiver way too much IMO. Also, thought he used his hands way too much today. I mean it's like his 4th NFL game (?) so we'll see how he evolves as the year goes on. Donte is way overrated (at least to some) and will be roasted by good QBs repeatedly over the course of this season. Henderson is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He covers really well and makes some good plays at times and then goes completely insane and starts thinking he's in WWE. Taylor is young, raw, and got roasted many times last year. Maybe with more time he becomes solid.
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