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Everything posted by Captroop

  1. I loved it. Best DCEU movie. Best movie to come out streaming since the pandemic. I'm glad DC gave James Gunn the ability to kill off characters and make a movie with an R-Rating. Freaky. fuged up. Hilarious. It's James Gunn playing to his strong suit. And he writes such a tight script. It's amazing how quickly he plows through Act One and the exposition and gets right into the action without feeling like it's being rushed, or skipping on character development. I don't know how he does it, but it's really impressive. But what I think is the most impressive is his ability to get the most out of his actors. John Cena had me half convinced he could act. And Storm Reid, wow. Never gave her a thought after that totally forgettable Wrinkle in Time movie, but she totally blew me away in her first scene with Idris Elba. I had to look up the actress because she nails that scene. And the first 10 minutes is about the funniest thing I've seen in a movie since the X-Force air drop scene in Deadpool 2.
  2. bP, I've been watching your videos for years, and you've come a long way! This looks professional to the point where you can envision it up on the jumbotron during the countdown before a game. Outstanding work!
  3. I can pinpoint it. That was the exact moment I knew I was going to hate Gettleman. His personnel decisions were already irking me to that point. Then in the fourth round, picking the last player who we could reasonably hope to contribute before we get to the late rounds, and with a gaping maw of talent in our O-Line that's supposed to protect the face of the league at the time, what do we do? I remember the bafflement of the talking heads on the live broadcast, and the mad scramble to try to cut to any footage available on this guy, and all they found was something that looked like this: That was the exact moment where I started questioning if Gettleman was grossly incompetent, or was actively trying to torpedo the team.
  4. I actually don't agree here. We've already got two "flyers" for backup QB on the roster now. We don't need another contender for QB3. A veteran backup is more valuable to the team at this juncture. Conversely, I can see the value in taking a shot at LS. If he's serviceable, we can free some salary cap space for several years with a rookie contract to a fairly niche position, instead of paying the vet minimum. Drafting the best at the position increases the probability he's serviceable. If it doesn't work out, it was a low-round, low-yield pick anyway. But in general, I'm not gonna get heartburn over pick 222.
  5. No, and it's only partly to do with his personal life. Let's see what Sam's got.
  6. Man, I've been a Panthers fan so long, that rolls off the tongue as easily as John Smith.
  7. Player safety is a good thing. Armchair internet badasses can whine all day that they don't play as hard as they did when "real men" used to play. To that, I say two things: When "real men" played the game according to these guys, your average NFL linebacker looked like Bud from the gas station. The game has changed. Now, players are setting speed and strength records at the combine that would have turned heads at Olympic qualifiers in the 80s. They're bigger, the game is faster, and the contacts are harder. Are players gouging eyes at the bottom of a scrum? Probably not. But every impact between these guys is hitting with the g-forces of a car accident. And second, knowing what we know about CTE now, it's frankly perverse not to crack down on risks to player safety. Voluntarily consuming sports entertainment from league that's not taking every measure to ensure the health and safety of their players, while league retirees in their 40s are blowing their brains out, beating their wives, and have palsy so bad they can't even climb down their own stairs, is just barbaric. I mean look what happened to Antonio Brown, who's eggs got scrambled so bad his entire personality changed for life. Just because of a hit from Vontaze Burfict, who was every "it's a man's game" golden age fallacy fan's favorite player. Cheering on that kind of play for one's own entertainment is no better than gladiatorial combat. I enjoy football, but I seriously question the sadistic tendencies of anyone who complains that players are less inclined to grievously injure each other.
  8. Lately it seems like corporations are cracking down HARD protecting their IP. I think it's been exacerbated by COVID, and everyone consuming their media virtually. We got the highest paid actress suing Disney because her contract stipulated her movie wouldn't be streaming. We got the a new subscription streaming service coming out every 12 seconds because aggregating content on a few streaming services is too convenient for consumers. We got every professional sports team trying to start up their own media empire. And I don't know if you're following what's going on with Games Workshop, that they announced a zero tolerance policy towards fugging fan animations. A lot of good will being squandered to net these pigs a couple extra percentage points.
  9. You're thinking of a Conandrum. And it's not a snare drum, but a bongo made from the skull of his enemies.
  10. And check out the release point. After all the grousing I heard earlier this week that his release point is too low and he was gonna have his passes batted. I guess he's smart enough to throw over D-Linemen, and not just throw casually from the ear like he does in 1-on-1 drills. Whodathunkit?
  11. Right? He retreats from the monoliths from 2001: a Space Odyssey, spends 5 seconds thinking about "Industry Baby," and then inexplicably rolls out of the pocket unpressured before making his throw.
  12. Yup. Exactly this. Purgatory of a middle of the road performance is bad. Not even getting to see him this year and basically leaving us paralyzed for another year is the absolute worst case.
  13. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't get the feeling he's suggesting that's CMC in the photo at all. I mean, it says he arrived "last night." That's clearly not a picture taken at night time. Seems like it's just two separate thoughts in one tweet. "Here's a picture of Panthers arriving to camp." And, "CMC arrived last night."
  14. Call me crazy, but I put more stock into the talent evaluation capabilities of Fitterer and our scouting department than AceBoogie.
  15. What is this strange modality? Retaining talent we've developed? Investing in our offensive line? Securing talent to protect our QB? What team is this, even?
  16. Wifey and I are just getting over something. I felt crappy for 3 days, it's knocked her out for a week, although she's improving. She did two BinaxNow kits and came back negative, but I'm still wondering. Maybe it doesn't work on the Delta Variant? If it's a summer cold, it's a bitch. Anyway, even though we're both vaxxed, I bet she'll stop teasing me for wearing my mask in the grocery store.
  17. Say, "Ian Thomas won't make the roster" without saying it.
  18. Hey, I'd never disparage you. You're a quality poster. Frankly that's a good bellwether post. Some posters on here would start a thread to share a pundit's tweet and would just get Poo'd into oblivion. Others would post the same and get praised. Comes down to their track record. You should feel flattered, because it speaks to the Huddle's high opinion of you. Rock on.
  19. This doesn't deserve it's own thread, but still worth sharing.
  20. Compare it to the write-up of one of the top 10. Clearly the fans are a factor on this particular list.
  21. What do you expect? He's a journalist first. He's for gathering and reporting facts before spouting opinions. And considering the rate at which he breaks stories he's a damn good one at that. I think sports journalism is such a weird thing in that for some reason we expect everyone to be an incendiary prognosticator and provocateur like Skip and Stephen A. I can't believe we hold sports reporters to a standard where we expect them to make sweeping predictions with absolute certainty based on an incomplete datasets and myriad unknown variables, and to be accurate about them 100% of the time. That's an insane standard to hold fact-based journalism to. At the end of the days he's still got to reach out to player for comments and leads. And he's not going to be able to do that very well if the day before he named them on the list of "Top 10 overpaid bums whose careers I'm sure are definitely over" just to drum up clicks on some podcast. Just had to chime in because this time of year it's hilarious to see how much bashing of sports reporters goes on in these threads.
  22. How is the kicking competition shaping up? Slye looking confident?
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