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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. well thought out response. What resourse did you use to come to your conclusion of disillusion?
  2. I've been a fan of the Panthers since before they even played a game. I was always huge fan of Steve Smith. Often looking the other way, as fans do, when he was being a horses ass. I also know of several things about Steve Smith that the masses don't know. Then there is the fact that since he has been gone, he has been completely disgraceful to the franchise that put up with all his bullshit through the years. Giving him second chances, and third chances. The Panthers, and I as a fan, owe nothing to Steve Smith. As a fan, I cheered for him, and defended him even when it was wrong to do so. The franchise stood beside him during those same times. I wish no ill will to the man. In fact, I pray for nothing but blessings for him and his family. I will not stand here, and go along with the bullshit that he is untouchable, cause so many worship him, dispite him burning every bridge he can find. You sir, can fug off with your opinion. And I don't care if you like it or not. Ice Up Son - Grow Up
  3. Anybody who defends a blatant asshole is difficult to listen to regardless what they say.
  4. Stupidity breeds even more stupity. Which is why I don't read or watch the trash.
  5. Amazes me how.many people continue to worship Steve Smith, and hates Peppers. Peppers never pooed on the Panthers like Smith has.
  6. I love me some Steve Smith, Agent 89. This entired team, including the locker roomhas moved on. I've moved on. As much as I'd love to see him get a Superbowl ring, it won't be with the Panthers.
  7. Love this move based on the simple economics of the trade. Not sure how much Allen has left in the tank, but at this low cost, it won't hurt the team at all.
  8. This thread is way to serious for a preseason game. Fact. I'm ecited to watch the game. I always want the Panthers to win/perform well. Ultimately, regardless of the conclusion, i want to get through this game healthy. Everything else can kiss off.
  9. If good cheap running backs were so easy to find, the cowboys would have one. Anybody that thinks good cheap running backs are so easy to find hasn't been a panther fan for more than 8 years.
  10. Neither rookie can even compare to Stewart. I understand getting excited for our young, talented rookies, but the huddle has been going crazy this camp. Almost like it's been years since they seen pro football!!!!
  11. I'll support any 53 that is chosen. Would be rough sledding for awhile.
  12. I'd rather have Webb than Anderson, and.keep the two players in the OP.
  13. you don't allow anything outsie of negativity into your outlook. It wont be like that.
  14. I'm not concerned with what Shula has done prior to coaching with the Panthers. It's clear that he has evolved since then.
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