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Everything posted by trucpfan

  1. How do you feel about Mays I have him being our backup with potential starter traits if needed at G. Throw in the G we signed in free agency from Houston we should be good to go.
  2. This is hilarious “what if” we could play that game all day it makes no sense. What if Bryce breaks his leg like Alex Smith or what if C.J. Stroud goes out gets drunk and hits someone with his car and kills them how the hell would anyone know the future. You make the pick based off your current evaluation who ever is your best player at QB for us you take him. No one knows the future so why the hell do you keep saying but what if but what if. If he becomes the best QB ok what can we do he’s not the best now obviously so do you think we should draft off potential or go with what we know to be good based off production. That’s what makes this so tough you never know we can only “Project” what we expect them to be.
  3. Lol I like that doesn’t know how to juice without getting caught.
  4. Yea I’m confused as well. But what about the pro bowl top notch RB we just acquired to pair with our rookie qb. That seems like we’d be missing out on other needs to double up on running backs.
  5. I know one thing we’ll probably open the season in Chicago based off the trade. The nfl does a good job at creating excitement with scheduling not to derail you 11-6 winning the nfc south. The schedule as of now doesn’t look so tough afc south meh… nfc north no rodgers meh I’m looking at teams with strong defenses to give the rookie a hard time probably more line 10-7
  6. He could easily step up and become out number 1 in training camp it’s there for the taking. Actually a really good idea to add another 2-3rd rounder. Naw we have young talented drafted young talent who needs to be coached up from coaching and Vets. Tremble-Hurst TMJ learning from AT like his buddy just did in Minnesota. Offense is probably not on the board based on where we stand now we Need a DE and a CB and it seems there will be a couple of starting caliber CBs when we pick at 39. At 39? Let’s look at being a complete team as possible this year we still have holes why double down on a position we have vets and young guys at when we need defensive help bad. It seems alot of people are disregarding our defense. We need to add to both sides of the ball that pick definitely should be defensive so we can continue to build a complete roster. What’s the alternative to winning the off-season? Your just saying things no one is crowning anyone we’re excited which is natural we’ve filled out our roster in a much stronger way then we’ve seen in ten years of free agency. Yes they’re hitched to the pick you have to go get the QB you want we’ve seen that for the last ten years straight we’re the only team not making that move until now. I’d rather swing and miss, instead of let’s see who’s there at 9 or run it back with Sam one more time hopefully he’ll get even better then JAG he’s been his career. Naw I’ll pass it’s time to get a top talented qb and coach him up let Frank use his offensive master mind with someone who can play at a high level. We’ve done a marvelous job upgrading our entire roster if you don’t win in the off-season when do you upgrade your team? It’s extremely exciting times in Car these days.
  7. So the head coach and the man ultimately in charge of the offense the one calling plays this year should stay tf out it hmmmm sounds crazy to me. Darnold trade was pure idiotic he was 30th in QBR before coming here next season here, he was 31st lol. It made no sense to get Sam but Matt had the wool pulled over DT eyes
  8. Don’t use that logic in here this is a place for irrational view points lol. I agree he’s still a top talent but there are a lot of reasons he won’t garner a heavy trade package.
  9. I’d love Clowney or Yannick O from the colts I wonder if that’s even a option for us.
  10. This will probably tell a lot if we send that amount of people to Richardson’s pro day then we might be trying to create that uncertainty. I just don’t see it only Bryce is getting 12 as well.
  11. Henderson has no price tag my man another year like last year he’ll be unemployed.
  12. If you’re ok with CJ H playing more snaps then those are the only two but I’d definitely like to add CB to that glaring needs list both our starters ended the year injured CJ was the only healthy CB we could be in major trouble if we don’t upgrade somehow.
  13. That would be totally opposite of what Fitte just said yesterday that nothing was final we might be signing him but I’m not taking that logic because he’s been such a straight shooter I’d think he’d say we’re moving on. We’ll see if/when he signs somewhere else until it seems like he’s weighing his options and taking his time doing it.
  14. Dam u make a good point that’s actually a really silly move. If it’s betting in yourself your targets could be crazy low. ASB is only going up he needs more targets based off how productive he is and Jamo kid from banana is special he’s just getting started coming off that injury. Yup we’re definitely a better option to bet on yourself with but you have to be worried a rookie qb might not be able to get it done. So he has a couple things to weigh in each situation.
  15. Crazy as it seems I now can see us trading back to 3 and taking Hooker. As they said he’ll play when ready ie. when he’s healed and ready he can step right in and get busy.
  16. Bingo also the things he should and probably will teach to TMJ and LS might elevate each game which is a major benefit to us. I could only imagine LS catching the ball downfield.
  17. Imagine Fitts working his magic trying to persuade AT and here comes Rhule but you’re gonna have to compete with LS for playing time lol man we’ve come a long way fellas.
  18. Damm I’m seeing all these reply’s none say DJ Chark officially a panther.
  19. Fill in number one drafted QB performing well with a strong group of players around him.
  20. I hate to say it but I don’t think the Panthers are thinking give us a five year window not rushing Frank but based off the moves, the staff, and our division honestly who’s that much better then us. And I’m speaking from Frank’s pov Atl and Ridder Baker or sorry ass D Carr who got sent home from a team with elite talent around him. We’re all about even the division goes to the best coached team.
  21. The quote about nothings resolved makes me think they’re working out the numbers. Soon to be finished in my optimistic mindset.
  22. If it is that’s not a bad thing he’s the best qb may be a little shorter then we want but he does what elite qbs do. Process quickly deliver accurately now if we surround him like it seems we want to he’ll go out and look like he does at bama we should have a top notch qb.
  23. Dam real one he understands this game he’s been paid very very well. These are the sacrifices that build strong contending teams. He sees what’s coming star qb strong staff there has to be some quality pieces for a low cap hits. Real deal work this one off-season he’s showing me he’s a very good GM need to see his picks this year but freeing him from that last dude I’m feeling he’s what we expected. Bingo we need to hit on our draft this year a couple key contributors and we’re lined up for it. Maybe just maybe a second yr Super Bowl run like top qbs so when things around them around truly in place. From coaching to the line to top talent at key spots De/Cb/Ol/Wr but I’ll take just being a contender for the next few years
  24. I agree we’re way to happy, but it’s the overall professionalism the level of quality coaches composed on each side of the ball. Throw in the number one pick it’s like damn they can’t miss. But I still double back to it’s just the off-season but that’s where we’re at so we can only judge what we’ve seen and so far we’ve been making moves.
  25. Coming off an Achilles injury ok kool. To add to that he tore it Nov10/11 can anyone be ready in September to play ??
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