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Everything posted by CRA

  1. Worst FA signings in Panther history. 1. Sean Gilbert 2. Matt Kalil 3. Teddy Bridgewater
  2. Steve Young and Cam Newton didn't have the same game. Vick and Cam didn't have the same game. Vick and Rodgers don't have the same game. and the opposite end of the spectrum Peyton Manning and Teddy didn't play the same game. Just because Watson can run and Cam can run....doesn't make them similar players
  3. my favorite 2 Panther QBs of all time
  4. Yes. The biggest piece of the puzzle in football is QB. It can overcome and masks issues like no other plan. It is the cheat code in football. And a Watson type and this moment in his career has never been available. I would have course negotiate for slightly different terms. But if this is all I could work out....I'd still do it.
  5. I'm not really into bitcoin and all that. But isn't Dogecoin essentially meant to be a joke?
  6. Well, the cap doesn’t really have anything to do with what an owner can afford. They could eat a coach’s contract. Cap is set by the league dictates what you can and can’t put on the field. so let’s say the cap was an even 175 million next season. Matt Ryan and Julio are going to take up about 70 million next year for Atlanta. No matter if they play there or not. So it makes more sense for them to play there.
  7. Atl would still take about a 50 million cap hit this year on him.
  8. I don’t know how these things are certain. Guys like Brown? Chinn? Will just get better. Shouldn’t be hard for us to improve at LB over what we had last year IMO. We still will have draft picks, players improving and rentals.
  9. Sorry to bore people with some Stafford odds but here they are: Now back to Watsonmania
  10. Drafted or not, they aren’t on cheap rookie contracts. hell, Gronk is the 6th highest paid TE this year and doesn’t even catch balls. Not exactly cheap.
  11. The main cogs of the two Super Bowl teams don’t exactly look like the Legion of Boom era Seahawks.
  12. I mean Joe Montana is arguably the GOAT. He got traded. Moon got traded. They both went on to remain Pro Bowlers with their new teams. Granted they were clearly on the backend. But talk about big time. Favre and Hasselbeck got traded and went on to lead their teams into Super Bowls. They never really got going yet with their original teams. I do agree with the notion there is no Watson comparable out there. No one traded at this early moment with a career ahead of him.....when the entire league fully knows what he is and how great he is. All examples of that tier QB happened earlier or later in a career.
  13. I personally never considered him that. In how I define things I’d put him in whatever tier Stafford climbed into.
  14. we living in unprecedented times. only appropriate the trade of a century happens during covid era.
  15. piggybacking off Jake being brought up. Jake was a gambler. I mean you could tell Jake to take the check down. You could drill him all practice. He might try to do it. But everyone and there momma knew.....you couldn't stop Jake from chucking it to 89 deep in double coverage. QB DNA. That's Teddy in reverse.
  16. I would wager only the AFCS are the only ones they will really not want to deal with. While the general preference might be the NFC they aren't going to turn away a good offer from a AFC not in their division.
  17. Teddy has consistently always been the exact same dude. He isn't going to get better. His issues are in his QB DNA.
  18. I would never say they make decisions based off of fan buzz. I do think fans can influence some things though. Just like any successful business, customers always have some influence. For example, I think fan buzz can factor into when coaches get the axe. Fans could be the difference between in an in season firing or waiting until the end. Coach was getting fired no matter what. Maybe if they give the fans that it can help w/ attendance in late pointless games as an example.
  19. Big Ben gotta take a pay cut to play. They said it nicer.
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