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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Huge part is Rhule but those guys let it happen. Should never have been on the board. No idea how much to blame where but throw in Fritts to the poo stew that is our offense. Just awful on so many levels.
  2. Sadly that was probably true by the time he left NJ.
  3. As long as all the pro-personel people are fired also or it's half assed action. Those guys are terrible.
  4. Wasn't that going to be true anyways? I just hope the D can hit Jones a few times before they get gassed. May be a turnover or 2.
  5. You never know, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If someone is willing to throw good starter money at him then I'm happy if it's not us. Still, absolutely backup quality guy I wouldn't mind on a reasonable 2 year deal.
  6. He looks more like a good backup than a great starter but he is good enough to start another year while we address other areas that our need is a lot more desperate...for the right price.
  7. Mac Jones looks like Teddy, I would have rather have had Slater but whatever. He is a ready made starter with a very low ceiling.
  8. Meh, I'm fine with pissed off D players. I know who is going to take the real shots. I'm also fine with him not going after his own O. He just needs to disconnect and have fun chasing QBs the rest of the year.
  9. Completely fair given how we discuss on here.
  10. I do but the point still holds. By no means calling you out man, just talking.
  11. This place is not somewhere a player would see unless they looked way too hard. The hurt feelings here are fans and their dreams and hopes, sadly something the Panthers are excellent at smashing...
  12. He came over on a 1 yer prove it deal and has been all we could have hoped for. Anyone trolling him or his play can GTFO. His perception and our perception are not going to be the same when criticizing the things that are very open to criticism. Why he puts himself out there for punishment is beyond me, pay a friend to maintain your account and keep you away from the toxic dregs. Frankw's are not nearly as bad as it gets on Twitter, not close and it literally is there for everyone to witness. If players came here I wouldn't want to be here walking around on egg shells or being a dick to them regardless of their play. Any player in their right mind wouldn't come to a fan board discussing their opinions and emotions on their play...
  13. I wouldn't if I was a public professional figure. The internet is easy when you have anonymity both ways but brutal if not.
  14. So many possibilities here. Wonder what set him off?
  15. One was a starter and franchise QB and the other is trying to prove he is more than a complete busted 3rd overall pick. Might want to compare Sam to other failed top 10 QBs, you know if you want to talk about something comparable. Or you can do like Rhule and just run away from him now...
  16. Erving was more BPA in the draft and positional flexibility talk. Elf was more 1st round talent and positional flexibility with way too much hope he could some how stay healthy. The point of the quoted statement was a jab at signing these two somehow opened us up to the BPA that led us to drafting one OL guy who is 25 and needs serious strength training who is maybe a 2nd OG or 3rd OT, now RT who got a start at LT...
  17. Better then getting led into another injury... The other WRs know better, poor rookie.
  18. Completely depended on how you criticized him, but the F150 people could never figure that out which is why it kept happening.
  19. I have more faith I will meet Santa Clause in 2 months.
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