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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. But there is a way. Good video and really spot on and fair.
  2. As a game manager they win. With him as a gunslinger he can be a big liability. I guess they could let him be a gunslinger like he was more with his earlier coaching crew but as a game manager they are winning more and he is more reliable. They have had back to back playoff appearances with him playing that type of game since McCarthy got there and it works best for him. So you are right he can be more than that but he really shouldn't until they don't have a choice like in the playoffs but his record is 2-4 there so I think that supports his best role as a game manager.
  3. Now cut that in half and it's closer to Bryce. They may be most similar in his last year at that half of Brees...
  4. Game managers have moments. It's more about when you go away from that reality with the playcalls you are likely to see why they are game managers. It's 100% true for them all.
  5. It sounds good, the idea and the pitch. It needs a lot of tweaking to have any value given the results of its last use in the NFL. No idea if they can pull it off but the theroy isn't bad. They just push it like a sure thing but it's not yet.
  6. Easy retirement money. 1. Sign giant deal. 2. Piss off Tepper 3. Retire with all of his contract money flowing in for 7 years since it will be guaranteed. He already resigned from the Jets after 1 day and announced it during his introductory press conference. He could pull a Frank faster than Frank did.
  7. Where do you get this from? He is here for at least next year and maybe the year after if Tepper is really stubborn. The idea he will continue to bust the rest of this year changes anything in that reality is fantasy. He will at best be competing and at worst be forced in as a start again next year. Playing the rest of this year changes nothing in that regard. And yes anyone is the answer. It's a lot more than whatever you have convinced yourself of with Bryce playing the rest of the year. Getting something out of any of the line guys or WRs does matter. Is it slim? Sure but it's a lot more realistic than what you are stuck on.
  8. Where there is smoke... Yeah Tepper is looking exactly like some had thought. Go figure. Anyways, it's out now and people are talking a lot more. I guess his new PR bot is also.
  9. Put him in a room with Tepper for 12 hours and I bet 2008 bubbles up to the surface.
  10. And they do it while smiling. Good, keep the heat on the issue. Nothing will change until the players force it in a CBA but it needs to be out there constantly for that to ever happen.
  11. Didn't JR make an ex-cheerleader in charge when he had to step down and sell? Morgan can do all of that or the guy behind Morgan if he walked too? They wouldn't do a complete house cleaning until they hired the next guy anyways. IDK. Trying to guess what the hell Tepper is thinking just leads to a headache for me.
  12. They can't officially hire them in that situation but they can interview and make a deal to hire them after the playoffs. So why wait?
  13. I seriously don't get it. I can guess the first part but what the hell is he doing between now and Black Monday that would be any different than just firing him now?
  14. Dave was fired right before the season started. Some wait until after the draft. It's a mixed bag. In this case why would they need to wait 4 more weeks? Is his work getting that time left to prove himself? Has Tepper ever really shown enough competency that it's normal for him to do the typical thing? If he wasn't fired by now I am very skeptical he will be fired. Maybe he is being held as a backup plan if Tepper can't buy what he wants to in the offseason. That is the best rational I could think of vs just starting the hiring process and getting a head start on other teams.
  15. Then why is he still here? Why not begin the hiring process on the GM side now? I have no idea how keeping SF helps any master plan if he is going to just be around for a couple more weeks. This just sounds like pure speculation from a source. I wish it is true but that doesn't make it true unfortunately.
  16. Why do you think so many don't want to see it? Because it would prove the obvious and they couldn't hide behind 'it's so hard to evaluate Young this year' anymore while having to internally confront going so hard for a massive bust way past the point of being reasonable.
  17. Anyone! Everyone should be auditioning now for the new coaching staff and hopefully front office crew. Playing Dalton and getting more out of anyone only helps next year. Bryce is so bad that his play effects everyone else. Playing Dalton just allows a decent backup level of play to see if any positives can be found. There is no good master plan to convince someone who knows so little about football why his guy is complete ass. It just doesn't exist. The best hope of a decent next guy is 2025. Until then it's take anything better that you can get because the owner is a football idiot and any hope of him doing anything decent is a complete waste of time right now. Prepare for another year next year very similar to this year until he steps back and allows someone else to fire all the garbage he has hired.
  18. I didn't say cut bait, i said they have sacrificed and wasted enough time when nothing is changing for Bryce any week. I also said he would be here next year regardless. Just admiting he is very likely a dud isn't cutting bait it's just accepting the situation vs waiting for the butterfly to emerge and start doing that which he can't do at this level even agaisnt bottom tier compitition. The only people using excuses at this point are the same ones that can't admit what the situation really is anyways so doing anything isn't going to change their cope. At least work on the rest of the team and stop playing the anchor that kills all momentum of any possible improvement for the other guys.
  19. Maybe. If the leaks keep coming and he was any part of that mess then maybe something but nothing great (which he looks to be fine with given he wanted to stay after Rhule). I guess there is always going back to school to coach where it is easy.
  20. What more do you really need to learn about Young this season? He has already proven what he is and regardless he is here next year to compete or be given the job again. Why not focus on trying to build up other players and not having the bust of a QB keep the entire offense from any legitimate chance to improve the last few weeks?
  21. Unless his plan is to get fired and collect that money while somewhere else it can't possibly be worth it. It looks like career suicide. Fank was prepared for retirement when he took the job so that makes sense. Seriously who is going to want to work with the guy given the entire situation? IDK but I wouldn't bet on him getting a great next job or the new HC being happy with having to keep the guy either.
  22. Tabor looks like a yes man. The fact he took the interim position should seriously raise the questions about his mental abilities and motivations given the ugly behind the scenes going on in that building. I just wonder if he realized his mistake yet or if he is just that dumb. Looking at his coaching philosophies I am leaning towards dumb
  23. A conditional 6th in the 2026 draft for most. It would be interesting to see who would be willing to pay more.
  24. Build the lines. Trying to cover up Bryce's deficiencies is like trying to fill a blackhole with sand. Just build the lines and the backup will hit the players he has just fine when the new crew finally does what Reich wasn't allowed to do.
  25. Yeah that's why they played him that one game like when they used him for sneaks...
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