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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Look to KC or Philly and not Alabama for an offense. Those teams have won recent NFL championships. Hell even Bryce didn't win a championship running the Alabama offense as a starter in school.
  2. It is now. The guy chose $9 mil a year of freetime over the next 3 years vs playing Bryce his way. I think that speaks for itself on many levels.
  3. But he said he is patient... Good article, got a little hopeful at the end. He doesn't force stuff but he hovers and is involved. Same difference is the saying I believe. Doesn't understand football but he gets analytics so he understands bad pivotal calls which is how he is owner-ing. Sounds like Scott is safe as long as he remains football clueless. He should hire a consultant and take up another hobby. He has really built something terrible in Charlotte. It could take him a really long time to put something together that isn't complete failure. Nothing about Tepper sounds hands off so I don't know how you get to there but endless failure until he gives it a real shot.
  4. People actually believe the best of that level is actually close to the level of the NFL. SEC blah blah blah. Giving good interviews got Rhule, Fritterer and Reich all hired and a bunch of scrubs drafted. It's a trend with Tepper. And it is moronic but it's also moronic to think running a team like a hedge fund is a good idea. Some old dogs learn new tricks and others don't learn while staying on the road. So far Tepper hasn't shown he has learned a damn thing from his mistakes.
  5. The hard reset should have started in the FO. It's a bad sign that a poor performing GM is lined up to be kept. I see zero signs Tepper is ready for a hard reset. It appears to me he is just changing the parts that got in the way of what he envisioned in the offseason. Maybe in '25 we get that beautiful hard reset but it could very well be another 1 and done HC next year under Fritterer. (I also have zero faith that will end better than this year)
  6. Comparing him to Lawrence just makes him look like a flat out bust. They only things that they have in common is being picked #1 and their rookie HC got fired mid season, one for his actions and the other for being apart of the Young trainwreck.
  7. I'm not sure he will be the inverse of Wilks. Wilks did the ugly thing and simplified everything, to a painful degree. I think Tabor and Caldwell signed up to lean more on Bryce which is what Tepper would want. They are going to try and run the Alabama offense. I don't see that ending well and they could end up being Panther legends in all thw wrong ways.
  8. The more I think about it the not trading Burns to the Rams trumps the CMC trade easily. We would still have our 24 #1st and Moore regardless of the QB. Now he is either getting way overpaid, walking or a franchise tag struggle.
  9. They try so little when it's so easy. It's going to be a circus given the situation. When the pool shrinks realistically I am guessing a very sobering picture of the future.
  10. It could be anything, we just don't know yet. Tepper is desperate and that could happen. I don’t think Tepper is ready to let go of his GM. His entire time as Owner he has kept a GM he knew for the new HC hire. He has no idea how to clean slate the process. I wish he would but he hasn't been comfortable enough to try yet.
  11. I have a hard time beliving Johnson wants to come here when he has his pick. I agree about MacDonald and he seems more reasonable expectstion. Not excited outside of Slowik maybe. They would still have to sign up for the Tepper show. Who they can potentially get and who would come here is why I asked who the people the reporter was so excited and sure about. I get people would take the job but realistically there are 2 on that list i would like to see and I wouldn't hold my breath on one already.
  12. Hoping for failure or just expecting more of the same? It's looking like a circus already. I would love to say Ben Johnson would save us but he already walked before firing the HC 10 games into his first season. That's hard to imagine even if I still wish it. Also the link never mentioned any names specifically. 'A lot of people'. Greg Olsen so far came out as one. So who are the other people? Harbaugh seems like an obvious name even if he had his call with Tepper last year that didn't go far. Lots of certainty yet not one name yet.
  13. Yeah Rhule was the HC and was literally running him into the ground. If he wasn't traded he would have probably been ruined before this year even started. You can pick so many things that make Fritterer look like the trash GM he is but this one example is another drop in the bucket.
  14. He couldn't even get a team facilities built in SC. It would actually be funny to watch him fug up an attempted team move. Maybe he would finally do something to be forced to sale along the way.
  15. Me too but the picking their own GM is a deal killer apparently. I also have to laugh at Ben Johnson coming here after bowing out last year. Like the situation hasn't improved and he got a look under the hood and said 'no thank you' already.
  16. His play is painful to watch and he has so little upside. Even if they build around him with compitence (not happening with Fritterer still here) he looks like he would lose a legit QB competition to a mediocre challenger. Hell I would watch games if Dalton was starting and that's freaking Dalton in his twilight playing years. Fan how you want or need to but he is not it to me.
  17. Frank is walking with Tepper's 30 million and 36 more from Indy in less than 12 months to not work at either place. The kind of football he wants to play is history and his bank account is padded. No poop he is ready to retire.
  18. I can't tell where Tepper ends and Fritterer begins. I just know Tepper is up front
  19. The Greg they deserve Seriously, Greg stay in the booth. It's a great fit for you. This would just be watching another fan favorite being brought back to face endless failure. Whatever happens I don't want anyone I respect taking the job because it's going to make watching them fail that much worse.
  20. No one around Tepper will tell him that so he can't see it coming yet... It's going to be fun to hear them talk endlessly about all of that and the players who could have been drafted with that #1. It's going to be brutal if they can't turn it around with the moves they are making today (They won't lol).
  21. Yup. He wanted to win and deal with that bag next season if he survived. Probably the best move he made as the Panther's HC, it made him an easy $30 million to be unemployed (along with that Colts money lol) and people came flocking to his defense.
  22. Admitting they made a huge mistake and making the most of it. This ain't that time yet but it looks unavoidable
  23. 'Do you see the possibility that Young could be a bust and if so what is plan B?' (I just want to see him confronted with the B word just for fun) 'What kind of coach will elevate Youngs game?' (I just want to see how little he actually knows) 'What changes were discussed about how to move forward when you decided to move on from Reich?' (The Alabama offense is what I expect and would laugh at) 'What does Scott actually do for you other than say 'Yes boss'?'
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