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Everything posted by shaq

  1. Love Cj been rooting for him since day 1, seems to be doing better mentally which is always great to see!
  2. If any team could save Darnolds career it would be the Rams with Mcvay.
  3. CB #1 babyyyy, if y’all wanna get excited about the season just listen to this kid talk football he is a dawg.
  4. RPO machine, would like to see him around the 220-225 range. Kids such a hard worker he will reach his strength/weight goals. Keep in mind it’s hard to bulk up during an injury.
  5. Hope the best for him, to be honest I was expecting and hoping he wouldn’t make the team. Got a lot of young hungry CB’s good to have an extra spot for one of them.
  6. I think we’re in the same boat but just have different perspectives, in my eyes Shaq gets overly hated on despite being a solid starter. In your eyes he’s only praised for only being a solid starter. Agree to disagree mate hope you have a blessed day.
  7. Thank you for the correction mate, just tried to help explain why he saw the field as little as he did with his talent.
  8. You clearly have a misunderstanding of the NFL draft, more then half of first round picks don’t get second contracts from their original team. Shaq was a very late first round pick, who was stuck behind one of the greatest linebackers of all time, and Thomas Davis to start his career. Shaq was a very solid late first round pick, is Shaqs contract the best? No, but he still returns value as our best linebacker/leader so his contract is not absurd.
  9. Enough with the Shaq slander he is one of our best players/leaders on this team.
  10. Most analysts have him ranked at the #25 spot for DT in the league, anything above #32 is deemed above average. I’m not trying to say it was a great pick or even a good pick but he simply is not a bust at this point. DT’s not named Aaron Donald shouldn’t be taken top 10 just like RB, DT is a lower value position. But Brown has started for us since day 1 providing us something in return which does not make him a bust, people way overuse the term bust it is meant for players who truly offer nothing back in return ala recent busts like Vernon Butler, Isaiah Wilson, Deandre Baker, Kevin White.
  11. Has Brown under preformed on expectations? Yes is Brown a bust? No Derrick Brown has been our best DT on the roster since he was drafted, played solid but not great. If you wanna see a bust just think about Vernon Butler… draft picks that provide zero value back are busts. Derrick Brown has provided us value as an above average DT, it sometimes takes big guys time to develop, so let’s just hope he stays motivated and can meet his potential.
  12. So sad to hear, I wish him the quickest possible recovery possible. Silver lining might be he got diagnosed after the draft so he already got paid.
  13. Before you accuse someone of not studying film give evidence I’ve never heard anything of the sort. Great players have bad games, he’s 24 years old and fits the mold of todays game. He had a near 70% completion percentage last year. Before his injury he was lighting the league up, “Halfway through the 2020 season, Murray has 2,130 passing yards and 543 rushing yards. That puts him on pace to pass for 4,260 yards and run for 1,086 yards this season. That would be the first 4,000-yard passing, 1,000-yard rushing season in NFL history.” Only gonna get better from here.
  14. Don’t be suprised when he wins MVP someday, he is so much more then an average starter. Kids a baller.
  15. He also has atleast 30 more massage therapist accusations then Kyler.
  16. Kyler is a fantastic QB, not surprised he got paid. Anyone thinking another team wouldn’t give him the same exact contract is stuck in the past these young franchise QBS get PAID. Imagine giving up 3 first round picks for Watson, then paying him the most guaranteed money in the history of the NFL, while not even knowing if he’s getting an indefinite suspension…beggars can’t be choosers and NFL teams can’t win poo without a good QB, im suprised the huddle hasn’t realized that already with us picking top 10 yearly even with our talented roster.
  17. He is obviously demanding crazy money. Why do you think the super bowl runner up is considering trading one of their best defensive players?
  18. Because we need to conserve our draft capita and not spend top dollar at a position we already have filled. Love Bates as a player but fug no, I’m tired of this one player away short sighted nonsense especially when we’ve picked top ten now for years.
  19. Not sure if Washington lets him walk but I’d be all over Daron Payne if he hit free agency.
  20. I would be all over the Herndon signing, really can’t fathom we’re going into camp with this group of tight ends.
  21. I’m really excited for Terrance to bro, his size and athleticism is off the charts. If Mcadoo can regain his old form back to when he was scheming up for Odell then we should be very optimistic.
  22. I do like Dunlap would be a great signing, just wanted to throw some other names out there.
  23. Eh I may be one of the few people here who just thought Arnold was alright, solid TE 2 and seems like a nice person but even now the Jags signed Engram making Arnold a TE2 again.
  24. And we’re supposed to utilize our tes more this season lmao. Our saving grace could be trembles development, we’re gonna need a big year 2.
  25. What free agents remaining today would you sign? My list- #1- Blake Jarwin( Jarwin is a really solid player and we can’t have a te room of Tremble,Thomas, and Thompson, adding Jarwin to the mix and cutting Thompson would be a solid group) #2- Trey Flowers-(Flowers isn’t listed in the article but he’s still available, really solid run stopping DE, long armed and strong at the point of attack gives us another run stopper on the edge outside of Yetur) #3- Landon Collins-(Former all pro SS, although he has lost some speed in recent years he’s still has amazing tackling/play recognition, need depth at S and he could play a very similar role to Chinn in our defense if he were to miss any time plus he could legit be moved to LB with his tackling ability/block shedding) #4- Will Fuller-(You can never have to many weapons in your offense, plus with there being some uncertainty with Robby’s future with the team adding another deep threat would be solid insurance. Let’s not forget Fuller is a speedy mf who can take the top off of defenses when called to do so.) #5- Sheldon Richardson(We need some more big bodies inside prior to camp starting, Sheldon is still a serviceable DT with some push rushing ability ala his 4 sacks last year. I do like Nixon/Hoskins/Roy but they have more to prove before getting as many snaps as their set to receive if the season started today.) https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10042089-7-bargain-bin-nfl-free-agents-who-can-help-teams-in-2022.amp.html https://www.nfl.com/_amp/top-101-nfl-free-agents-of-2022-who-are-the-best-nfl-players-available
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