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Moo Daeng

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Everything posted by Moo Daeng

  1. Seems to settle the reasoning for Pederson being fired. It was about coordinators more than Wentz.
  2. It doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds logical.
  3. If Watson is completely ignoring the new coach and GM that's kinda crappy on his part.
  4. Leftwich is their play caller and was getting skewered by their fans as recently as December.
  5. I was under the impression the impression from reading here that the Chiefs staff could think their way around a massive talent gap between their banged up OL and the Tampa DL
  6. Finesse got crushed by talent and defense
  7. Tampa just has too much talent across the board.
  8. Teddy certainly has his weaknesses but the echo chamber here has amplified everthing to a deafening level.. If you don't hate the guy in every opportunity it's like you are a satanic baby eater. The Huddle is a grotesque caricature of itself.
  9. He purchased it in May 2018. Thats less than 3 years.
  10. That Tweet doesn't suggest we aren't rebuilding anymore. It says we are entering year 2 of it. Fixing QB is an obvious part of a rebuild.
  11. Derek Carr gets shopped regularly. Its not like it's Rodgers or someone who has much leverage or would throw a fit. Only reason he couldn't start is if they just refuse to do it.
  12. The real issue with Goff was the length remaining. There might be some of this with Teddy but his contract is only 2 more years. After this QB freakout shuffle Teddy's numbers will likely be relatively lower in the big picture.
  13. They will explore situations and everyone will jump to panic over whatever the most recent tweet is. Deja Vu over and over again
  14. Blinn won the junior college championship the year before in 2009 without Newton and 3 times prior. It's not surprising when they won it again with an SEC talent at QB.
  15. Mahomes was a prolific college passer in every way. Lance went over 200 yards only 3 times in his college career and was 33rd in the FCS in passing yards and 72nd in attempts. Thats just plain raw. He is a big athlete who occasionally threw deep balls to wide open receivers.
  16. It wouldn't have "hurt" anything but given that the Pro Bowl used to be taken a bit more seriously I'm not going to judge the position coach for handling his group as he saw fit at the time. Smith was going to be pissed at something or someone no matter what.
  17. If Smith was the Pro Bowl receiver and some rookie was sliding in to his receiver practice you know quite well how that would have gone over given his treatment of other young receivers.
  18. He had 10 receptions for 154 yards that season. Why would he practice as a receiver in the Pro Bowl when he was named as a returner? I get that it motivated him and that's great but what would you expect?
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