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Call Me James

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  1. Because a group of posters have been trying to browbeat people into believing Bryce young was the second coming of Peyton manning and that CJ stroud was stupid only for Bryce to look like Pickles out there.
  2. It’s not an outrageous take. Our pass rush numbers could improve if our secondary just remains healthy.
  3. This team drafts poorly and attempts to fix it by overcompensating in free agency. we broke down the defense to spend a fug ton of money to fix a qb we traded up for who wasn’t even the right pick. this site is so consistent. I bet if I go to the hornets thread I’ll see folks saying we should trade bridges because of this draft pick
  4. I’m sorry. Is this the same team over paying every journeyman qb. the same team that kept cmc on the books. the same team who continues to extend Thomas. It sounds good, but I’ve realized yall miss the point. we aren’t overpaying too many players: because every single one of the players we’ve complained about have gone elsewhere and find success. we just suck at team building because yall would rather feel better in your f150
  5. Don’t know. Don’t care to be honest. The cap isn’t the reason why this team has been bad.
  6. I fully expect burns to have a career year. It’s the current theme.
  7. I hope this isn’t a result of working out with Horn.
  8. Not many people criticized Bryce young’s situation in the lead up to the season.
  9. No one put Bryce on the Same level as Burrow.
  10. He needs to be close to trevor Lawrence year 2 or 3 numbers. If not, time to look for a new qb.
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