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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. I still don't know wtf that was last week. If we weren't intentionally trying to lose, the only thing I can think is that they were intending on running a different scheme that required new installs over time, and so they just didn't want to run what had already been staples up to that point. TBH, this is the best I remember us consistently moving the ball as the game has progressed past the 1st qtr since Teddy was here. I've been standing up for PJ since day one. I believe in him. He's a good player. He has occasional brain farts, but far more often than not, he is a great player with a great skill set.
  2. Wow. I think I'm changing my mind on Leftwich. Yeeesh.
  3. I've been telling everyone since PJ has been here, outside of Cam coming back, PJ has been the best QB on the roster. He is athletic, he has a live arm and can absolutely sling it, and has shown good accuracy... he just needs the reps and a coaching staff that knows wtf they're doing.
  4. I ainr gonna lie, 2 firsts and another 2nd or 3rd, I would really, really have a hard time not doing that, no matter how much I love Burns as a player. Again, we have to move on where the value is. If it lies with the player, you keep them. If it lies in the offer, you take it. 2 firsts and another high pick is a franchise-changing haul for one player.
  5. That may be the best screen we have run all year. Probably 3 years.
  6. I know others are stewing in self-hate and just want to blow the whole thing up, but I feel Burns is a core piece. I don't want to trade him. Trading CMC made sense because he's a RB. And again, no matter how uniquely talented they are, they age our faster and their production declines so much quicker than almost any other position, it makes sense to move on if the value is there. These other trades people are talking up just don't makes sense from a value standpoint, especially when we haven't seen what a Fitterer-ran draft looks like yet. I say hold on to the young talent we have left and see what we can do with Fitt this coming draft then go from there. Shaq is the only guy I would trade without a second thought at this point. Everyone else should be retained.
  7. Just when I was thinking how this is the best the offense has possibly looked all season as the game has went on, so maybe we hadn't committed to the tank - we elect to punt instead of attempting a 54 yard FG. Yeah, we are NOT interested in trying to win.
  8. Yup. I'd rather keep him, but if they want to move him that's the minimum.
  9. Yeah, and check out what Faulk did AFTER that trade. He was not a HOF-caliber player before that trade, but was a great one with high upside. With the Rams, for a period, he became the best player and most valuable player in the league. I expect a similar outcome with CMC. And again, the RB position is so short on shelf-life, it's stupid to overpay or ever really commit long-term to one, so i felt it was needed and understand it. But I also don't trust this organization to rebuild properly, so I expect us to come out on the losing end of the trade regardless.
  10. "Hey bro, go talk to her for me. I just get too nervous..." We are an absolute trainwreck.
  11. I'm gonna have to change my avi. Only a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th this year? What a fuging ripoff.
  12. If we come away with like 3 2nds and 2 3rds, I'll be less disappointed. I still maintain at 26 years old, even knowing how quickly RBs depreciate, that he should've commanded a 1st from a surefire playoff team. I think we may have also been doing him a solid and sending him somewhere he really wanted to go. Also, I maintain, he likely isn't going to fall of a production cliff like most other RBs when he hits 30, because due to his route running, I honestly think he would be able to shift out as a primary slot receiver. I also think Shanahan will utilize him in such a way that it will limit his exposure to injuries - you know, opposite of how we used him.
  13. Despite me being fully ready to trade him for the last two years because he's a RB who depreciates in value worse than a new car, it still is surprising they actually did it. I didn't think we actually would. And although I would've loved a first and feel like that's what we should've gotten, especially from a playoff team, really, any return with 2nd or 3rd was great because if we waited another year, we'd be lucky to get 4th and 5ths. It's just the shelf life of RBs.
  14. Multiple second day picks? Yeesh! Smh... If we only got a 2nd and 3rd, imma poo a fireball. Lemme go ahead and get some Preparation H cooling gel.
  15. I hope we got a good return... that might take them to the Super Bowl with Shanahan having a weapon like CMC. I thank him for all his work here... this sucks being in the doldrums.
  16. But the real question is, will they allow him to throw beyond the LOS?
  17. Funny enough, I have also started using everything bagel seasoning on my eggs, here and there.
  18. I had been raised to well-done everything, but I had someone make a steak for me medium-well at a get together once and my life was never the same. I saw the error in my ways... So much more flavor and taste!
  19. A1 is my A1 for steak. Love it. I dont mind ketchup with eggs, sometimes I occasionally crave it when preparing them, but I play it by ear... my go-to nowadays with eggs is hot sauce (Texas Pete).
  20. I love all things hot and spicy. But I never tried Texas Pete on my eggs until the last year, just on a whim, because I thought to myself it seemed like a good combo... my mind was blown. I love it. It is also my go-to now.
  21. Yeah, prolly not, because he's relatively new to The Billionaire Boys Club, but I just want the rest of the league to burn. Goodell included.
  22. I dream of the day I can discuss quality Panthers football-related topics in conversation again, but until then... more pressing matters.
  23. So my question is... in an equally polarizing pairing, do you like ketchup on your eggs?
  24. Also, figure this is as good of a place to put it as anywhere, but I had a friend from DC tell me some years back that he used to work in the services (I'm guessing food or custodial) operations at their stadium and he said Snyder wouldn't allow them to look at him or address him when he walked in the room or they would be fired. He daid they were explicitly told that. I think he worked in the suites or something of that sort... and I've never forgot that.
  25. Also, considering Irsay's very public struggles, it is interesting that he is the one to come out and say this, and also encourage Snyder to investigate him further. Could be quite the bluff going on.
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