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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. He's just pissed Allen and Hurts are going to break ALL of Cam's rushing records.
  2. But millennials and Gen Z/Y/Alpha are responsible for the social media BS world we live in now. Gen X went outside. Fresh air > apps.
  3. I found it interesting that the XFL and USFL combined their teams for the new league with exception of the two Houston teams. They joined to form one new team. Funky. I guess a lot of dudes got cut.
  4. Prostitution has been around for a long, long time. Sex work (by choice) should not be seen as something horrible. Old men are horny. Go clutch your bible, Whoaa.
  5. Nope. USFL + XFL = same old suck.
  6. We got a tough one, gents! Next time his Heels win it all in basketball he'll sit there in his chair in his log cabin and be like, "cool".
  7. I guarantee there would be tears from some of these tough guys on here if Cam had won it all and held the trophy up high.
  8. But why does it make him a "boomer"? You're saying everyone under the age of 50 thinks the hats are cool? Who cares if people rag on Cam. He's just a guy. I know he made almost all of your lives better for a small moment of time, but that doesn't make him void of roasting.
  9. Boomer take or not, Cam's hats ARE ridiculous.
  10. His voice AND he's a mark for certain teams and players.
  11. It's such a damn shame Stafford spent most of his career in Detroit. What could have been.
  12. Why don't you post X properly? Are you doing it intentionally?
  13. Maybe Mrs Cowboy Fan will break Mr Scot and we won't have to read him post in here anymore.
  14. I heard the opposite. NY gov and Goodell said it's going to be tomorrow.
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